Environment Committee
As of July 1, 2021, Rotary International added Protecting the Environment as a new area of focus and encouraged Rotary Clubs all over the world to take on projects and educational opportunities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance environmental sustainability, and foster harmony between people and the environment.

In response, the Davis Sunrise Rotary Club created an Environment Committee. The Committee is planning service projects with other clubs within Yolo County, including a series of events to restore areas along the Putah Creek watershed that have been damaged by fires, gravel mining, and changed flows. The project includes planting oak trees, wild roses, and native plants to create buffers between residential areas and the creek as well as planting native plant seedlings at the Putah Creek Council nursery. We hope to involve Interact and Rotaract members in this project.
The Committee is also working with a company that makes carbon sequestering limestone pellets used in making concrete to install a concrete picnic table or bench in Davis to educate people on sustainable building methods.
The Committee encourages our club to be an example of sustainability and to ensure our activities foster harmony between people and the environment. This includes being mindful of our own activities to advance environmental sustainability by using compostable or reusable materials for club meals and events and avoiding unnecessary plastic and by considering the protection of the environment in all club projects.
We have connected with several other clubs within District 5160 that are forming environment committees and many District 5160 members have joined Rotary’s Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG), made up of Rotarians from all over the world committed to protecting the environment. To participate in our Club’s Environment Committee or any of these projects, please contact us.