Reporter - Dick Bourne
Photos - Various
July 15, 2022
Get Up and Go 7/15/22
By Dick Bourne
Our second powwow in the Meaghan Annum was also the “Ides of July” and a wonderfully cool sea-breezed Friday morning.  Thanks to a long road trip east, this rusty scribe had missed more than two months of live events ending our “CoppaCanadian” Year of Philosophy and “North of the Border” factoids.  Life goes on, and the new administration proceeds!
Dave Morse welcomed us as of old, with wonderfully nostalgic, easy-listening keyboard instrumentals, and soon new President Meaghan Likes rang the bell (it’s here!) and called on the ever-melodious Chuck Snipes to lead us in song.  A hybrid of in-house and online voices joined in lusty renderings of “Smile” and “America the Beautiful” before Meaghan began her search for Visiting Rotarians and other guests.
First up was Fairfield-Suisun Rotarian Chuck Wood, recently moved to Davis. Visitors included Tyson Hubbard’s energetic duo (Dashiell and Rosalie); grad student Maria Del Pilar Avila Barrero (return visit); John McNamara’s sister Kathy; Keith Watenpaugh’s “favorite” (and, luckily considering the “favorite” status, his only!) daughter, soon-to-start her sophomore high year and interested in being an exchange student; and Marc Thompson’s return guest Chris Shacoski.  Held for later were outgoing exchange student LT Wang and (online) former exchange student Peter Nicholiesen.
Slyly slipping into announcements, Meaghan introduced Sierra as our substitute caterer for the next 3 weeks; we’ll be limited to continental breakfasts (no bacon!- how will Meaghan recover from this initial blemish on her record...but this vegan scribbler is fine with eliminating that tasty temptation).   
More announcements followed...from the hybrid faction, Don Winters noted that there are three Camp positions available for incoming juniors, free of charge, but camp starts 7/25, so pass the word quickly!  Contact Don.  Ray Salomon announced that Project Recover’s movie “To What Remains” will be coming on Amazon Prime (; Carolyn Stiver backstopped Ray, noting that Dr. Pat Scannon, one of the project originators, is a future Rotary Sunrise speaker.  Marc Thompson announced that Meals on Wheels needs more volunteers (he subsequently and wisely sent a solicitous email); following the prior pattern, Vanessa Errecartebackstopped Ray by adding that Meals On Wheels is recruiting for a “development associate” with fundraising responsibilities and pay of $60-70K per year; spread the word!  Brodie Hamilton announced our 12/9 Holiday Party scheduled, of course, like all events Brodie, at 5:45 PM.
Beyond announcements now, Prez Meaghan shared a tongue-in-cheek Rotary video entitled “Laws of Attraction” showing how not to welcome new members, which she followed up with   an effective pitch for honing our welcoming skills.  And then...leading into the topic of the morning...Meaghan urged LT Wang to come forward as our outgoing (truly!) exchange student, headed to Switzerland on August 6; LT confessed to not being packed yet, so Meaghanhanded him a flock of club flags to tuck into his bag...more from this effervescent young man later!  
Next up was Sergeant (of-the) Friday John Morgan, who for his first several minutes, or so it seemed, gazed at our big screen waiting for...something?  while fellow sergeant Rick Stromberg stood ready with his cash-collection basket. Ultimately a “Commissioning of Solarization Project” video appeared, as congratulations for our African water pumping project- for which Sgt. John offered personal happy bucks.  He next noted the importance of yesterday (7/14) and asked who knew why...only a few of us (well, me, LT, and maybe Manny Carbahal?) stood in recognition of Bastille Day. Causing considerable glee and astonishment, LT was able to sing “The Marseillaise” all the way through!  Should he be off to France instead of Switzerland?  And then your Friday reporter (Dick Bourne) waxed wistfully about the wonderful Tour de France (actually a tour de force) that is underway, possibly stealing Manny’s thunder.
Happy Bucks!  Vanessa Errecarte was happy to have any available Rotarians converse with a husband committed to watching the British Open every morning- please be his friend so she doesn’t have to engage with him about it!  Bucks also for Ella’s 8th birthday on Sunday.  Is it possible, for this kid? Bucks too from Clay Brandow, for today’s 44th year since tying the knot with Brooke.  Is it possible, for these kids?  Next, an online Dave Murphy may have passed some happy bucks through the ether, over the imminent arrival of our exchange student from France.  Finally, Meaghanoffered 20 HB’s for the Sergeants’ incredibly early return of the official bell, and for Steve Streeter’s “just-in-case” loaner.  All this happiness usurped John’s directed fine time, if any, and we were on to Speaker-of-the-Friday. 
Meaghan called on David Foos to introduce speaker Peter Nicholiesen, our 2002-3 exchange student from Denmark.  David began with a story about Peter’s soccer talents and went on to recount how Peter saved David and Susana’s 4-yr old son Santiago, a “limit-pusher” who opened the back door of the car while they were on the freeway. Peter calmly reached back from the front seat and closed the door, preventing the potential Santiago spill-out.  Ready to turn the mic over to Peter, who was expected to be with us in hybrid mode but wasn’t, David handed it to Meaghan instead.  She quick-wittedly called on Francophiles to help, so LT and yours truly (Dick Bourne) volunteered; I talked briefly about our son Ben’s life-changing Rotary tear in Annecy France (’88-’89) and then I returned to my scribal duties, leaving young LT, just finished with his sophomore high school year, to banter with Meaghan.  
LT will be going to Bern, where they speak German- a language he has yet to learn; Meaghan chimed in the confession that she knew no French when she headed across the pond.  They discussed the Rotary “no home communication rule”; a no-no for 3 months in Meaghan’s time, now down to 30 days.  Rules also limit having a “significant other” here or there, a topic that led into the 5 Rotary Exchange Student Don’ts:  drinking, driving, drugs, doing it, dating. (It seems like the last two should be reversed, but your scribe isn’t young.)  Discussion also ensued about LT’s challenges in getting DJUSD credits for his Swiss courses; will he lose a year?  At this point, an online Dave Murphy, who likely knows the system, offered to help secure the credits on LT’s return.  
At last, after the fun-filled infill, Peter magically appeared and began a shared-screen presentation, mostly about fond memories of his 2002-3 exchange year; including waking on his first morning in Davis to see the swimming pool(!) in Nancy Storm’s yard.  He briefly digressed to note his marriage this February, with David and Suzana Foos in attendance (as reported by this scribe in your 3/18 Get Up and Go).  Peter enjoyed all three of his host families- David and Suzana Foos, then Chuck and Sarita Snipes; then Rick and Pat Stromberg.  Other forceful memories included: 
  1. The Food! 
  2. Fun with Rotary members, like: 
    1. Fencing with Dick Berry
    2. Skiing with Clay Brandow  
    3. Attending a Raiders game with Todd Storm, in the pouring rain!  
    4. Baseball, Sac Kings basketball, etc. 
    5. Fellowship with other Rotary students, including the “Western Safari” trip at the end of his exchange year
Back in Denmark, Peter finished college and earned a Masters in Agronomy at the University of Copenhagen, then worked for some years in the Danish ag extension service; he has focused on software for farmers and now owns his own company in this field.  His wife Majken is a pediatrician.  Peter is much concerned about colleagues in Ukraine, located in a big city near the front lines, but has learned that they are still safe and working.  
With time running out, Meaghan urged Peter to conclude, at which point he showed a slide of his Danish apartment, followed by his “Forever Thankful” last slide. Meaghan encouraged us to interact with our incoming student, noting that she considers her exchange time to be the best year of her life, and Peter agreed it was the best of his.   Meaghanlofted the donation book, and Peter grinned while Sunrise Rotarians applauded.
After announcing that next week’s program is on Ukraine, Meaghan called for the Draw-of-the-Day.  Drawmeister Dave Heard noted the $391 pot and asked LT to draw a ticket.  #---546 won a free breakfast for guest Chris Shacoski; what better incentive for another return visit?  Before releasing us to our weekends, Meaghan offered a “Quote of the Week” (from Kristin Shepard): “We can’t control the wind, but we can adjust our sails.”