Looking for a delicious dinner! Drive thru our Weidner Chicken BBQ....help support your Rotary Club of West Seneca!
The Rotary Club of West Seneca helps to support our local community...the West Seneca Food Pantry, the West Seneca Schools Reading Rover, Kids Escaping Drugs, West Seneca School Scholarships, West Seneca Children’s Library, the West Seneca Historical Society , Family Promise and so much more! We also help to support our global community.... eradicating Polio, clean water in Ghana and our continued support of Amada Martha Memorial Community Health Center in Sierra Leone!
Rotary Chicken BBQ Noon to 6PM on the following Dates & locations:
Sept. 16 - West Seneca Town Hall Parking Lot
Oct. 14 - Wimbledon Plaza
Nov. 18 - West Seneca Town Hall Parking Lot