Farewell, but never forever


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


What a beautiful, beautiful morning. It really started at 12:26AM. I had just gone to sleep around 12:00AM when the phone rang. I woke up, reached over, and picked up the receiver. No. It was the whole phone. I LISTENED and heard "Hi John. It's me, Dulce". Suddenly, I knew that the forty three days were complete, knowing Justin and Dulce were safely at home.

The trip was good, no problems at all. The first question I asked, "How is Justin"? "He is fine and he slept almost all the way home". I said, "You must be tired", and her reply was a simple, "no". She is now back with her family with a healthy child. The words were "I love you John, I love Bob, and peoples in Rotary and the United States". That really made me feel good (cry). Dulce sounded like she would talk forever, so I told her to take it easy, and to enjoy her family. She promised to call often. She thanked me again, and I told her once more that she and Justin came into my life when I really need them. I said God bless you both and hung up the whole phone.


Yours in Rotary,

John Koch



For your information, please look at the more than 125 pictures Bob has posted on this web. You just may see yourself with Justin.