Justin's Walking!


Saturday, November 8, 2008


Saturday morning started out like any other Saturday, except that for this time of the year, it should be colder. The temperature is about sixty two degrees and raining. I stopped at the pancake house in Carlstadt to have breakfast. Bob called me and said that he and Jan had an errand to run and then were going to the hospital to see Justin and Dulce. I told him I might see them at the hospital. 

I am going to get a haircut. I think while I'm at the barber, I'll get it all cut. Done with the barber, I am on my way over to the hospital. Except for the rain, the ride over is quick, no traffic at all. I haven't been to MontefioreHospital on a Saturday in years, and surprisingly enough, the parking garage across from the children's hospital is closed, one of the coffee shops is closed, and security is limited. I reached the 10th floor and saw my daughter, Debbie, and Elsie. They were just going to the elevator. We talked a few minutes and they said Justin looked good.

When I entered the room, Justin was asleep; and Dulce looked like she was trying to get some shut eye as well, but when she saw me, I immediately knew she was glad to see me, she saw the two containers of coffee in my hands. For your information, Dulce takes ten packets of sugar in a regular container. I told her she likes coffee with her sugar!

Justin looked real good. He was still sleeping; but when he woke up, he was like his old self. Bob and Jan came over about an hour later and stayed till about four. We were talking about Rotary and the great people we have met through Rotary.  It's near 5 o'clock and time for me to leave. The nurse comes in and talks to Dulce. The next thing I see is Dulce putting on Justin's slippers. I got some great pictures of Justin taking his first steps since the operation. He just stood there and smiled. If all goes well they may take him down to the 8th floor tomorrow. That's where they take the children when they no longer need the ICU.

It was still raining when I left the hospital, but after seeing Justin out of bed standing, I do believe the sun was shining, at least on him.

Little things can make you a believer.


Yours in Rotary,

John Koch