Young Chautauqua: Bringing History Alive
Jul 25, 2018
A Young Winston Churchill by Anthony Booth
Young Chautauqua: Bringing History Alive

Topic: In the mid-1920s, Winston Churchill had already had a full career was now serving as Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer.  He would go on from here to become one of the most influential men in the 20th Century.  However, the man he would become would be shaped tremendously by private events in his early life such as Boer War and World War I. 

Bio:  A junior at Grand Junction High School, Anthony Booth is part of the 13th Annual Two Rivers Chautauqua which brings a unique performance art tradition to the Grand Valley.  Chautauqua is where historians give us the chance to interact with characters from the past.  As part of this program, students from elementary school through high school have immersed themselves into the historical past and personalized history.  This year’s event is at the Avalon on August 17th and 18th.