Posted on Jan 30, 2018
Last week on January 30th we held our gathering at Mount Calvary Church where we packed meals for “Many Hands Many Meals”.  Because we were short of members (see Empty chairs section above), we didn’t run the full four lines of packing. We ran three lines, so we set no records for production efficiency. But, as it always is, we had a good time and we packed 4,536 meals for the war-torn and starving people of Yemen.
There was no official program for the day, so there was no Happy Bucks. But there was a Happy Surprise: Amy Mook (back row left) was in town and joined us for the session. She always brings smiles with her when she attends our gatherings.       
STRIVE on Thursday, February 1st was Darel Leipold presenting on Choices.  Darel gave a wonderful presentation and shared
with the students that making good choices/decisions fit perfectly with the previous week’s lesson on Goal Setting and achieving their goals depends on good decision making.  Darel quoted the Robert Frost poem “The Road Not Taken” and tied it to their life journey and that the choices they make determine the road that the take and how successful they will become. He also pointed out that our choices don’t effect ourselves but also other in our life and those in our future.  He ended his presentation with descriptions of famous the famous leaders Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Teddy Roosevelt and ended with his life journey and the choices he made.  The students them met with our Rotary Mentors and discussed their good and bad decisions and choices they are make for their post-secondary education.