The way we think about charity is dead wrong, says Dan Pallotta. In his engaging, thought provoking, and rational analysis of North American charities, Pallotta lays out how we need to think differently about the way charities operate if we really want to address global social issues that are massive in scale.


Questions and ideas that we discussed include:

  • If we change how we look at charity/non-profits, what does that mean for our club? Is there anything that we should be doing differently?
  • Hypothetically, if we were to approach the organizations we financially support and tell them “this year we’re not making a contribution to you because we’re investing that money to build up scale, but next year we’ll give you 3 or 4 times as much”, do you think they would go for it? 
  • What if building scale meant that we as a club hired somebody part-time (say $20k/yr) who is responsible for marketing, fundraising, PR, growing membership, and just building awareness, and it meant that we could raise an additional $100,000 for our causes? Would you do it? What about if it raised $50,000? $20,000?

