Discussion of Club Internet Resources

ImageArt Deardorff was the speaker for the meeting, describing the club's internet resources

Website www.LincolnCaRotary.org
Facebook Page RotaryClubOfLincolnCaUsa
Facebook Group LincolnCaRotaryUSA
Rotary Website www.rotary.org 
Rotary Central

He stressed that our website is valuable for our own communication as well as attracting protential members, since it lists our meeting speakers, our events, and shows the things that the club does. He also showed how members can sign on and requested that all update their profile information; e.g., it would be very helpful to know ahead of time when member's birthdays are so they can get their proper recognition at meetings.  Art's presentation is available at Website Presentation.

ImageStix presented the Rotary Welcome, describing how he became a Rotarian in Long Island, then came to the Citrus Heights Club.  But, after joining the Lincoln Club, he is especially proud to have been a Rotarian after 37 years!

Melanie was the winner of the drawing, but no Ace of Spades.  Joann thanked everyone for their help at the Wine Fest, that was the most successful one to date.  Karen and David sold the rest of the club's olive oil.

Kris reported that our incoming Rotary Exchange student is a girl coming from Italy.  She requested that all of us start thinking about how we could participate by taking her to differerent events or places to broaden her experience while in Lincoln.

Quick Update:  Our speaker for May 9 is Cindy Eveler, the new Director for the Chamber of Commerce.

Click Here for Meeting Agenda