Weekly Bulletin of the

Rotary Club of St. Catharines South   

April 7, 2008


Call to Order : President June Manning

Anthem : Paul Monaghan

Toast: Sheila Bristo

Grace: Peter Snodgrass


Guests and Visiting Rotarians: John welcomed Bob Hayden and Henry Becker and our guest speaker Sally MacDonald.



George Fitzpatrick was SAA and encouraged everyone to purchase gala tickets and contribute items to the gala. Peter unfortunately will be missing the gala. Keith recommended American Gangster as a movie. He also mentioned that his team won a shield this past weekend at the curling championships. Jim is happy to see Ian. Ian thanked the club for their support. John went to a car show, had an opportunity instead to go to the masters-a missed opportunity. Paul noted the good weather and that people should get their bikes out in preparation for the June bike-a-thon. Rich is happy to see Bob. John acknowledged the joint meeting.  Jim was happy to get his new BBQ put together and thanked Cathy and Dan for helping at Bingo. Henry noted that Jim worked the crowd but advertised the wrong company.


Announcements : June thanked everyone for their work on the joint meeting and shared Ian's thank you note. There is Board meeting April 11 at 7:30 am at the club. Night of 1000 dinners is April 13 more information to come.  Tom Schultz updated on Slapshot, which is being held April 25-27 in Ancaster.  We have three candidates attending. Ryla is atBrock June 1-7 let Tom know if you have a candidate. June reminded everyone that the gala is May 3.  We need to increase ticket sales.  Target is 250-275. This is a celebration of our 40th anniversary and our major fundraiser.  Contact Jean with your ticket numbers.  Contact Jim will your auction items.  The phone committee will contact members.  We made $12K last year and would like to do better this year.  The live auction is very exciting, the use of 2 cars, 1 week accommodation in Jamaica, 3 nights at Mount Tremblant, a $20K ruby necklace, a $2K watch.   Please be sure to pull the list of attendees from the website and let Jean know.  Greg went to PETS.  It reinforced the essence of Rotary is service above self.  Our main way of serving is through our donations-of which the majority of the funding comes from the gala-so sell those tickets so we can raise funds in order to serve.  May 3 is the District assembly.  It's at Niagara College and ends at 3pm so there is time to go there and still make the gala.   The district conference is in October in Hamilton


Birthdays: George Fitzpatrick and John Teibert-happy birthday


50/50 Draw:   Rich drew the3 of clubs.


Guest Speaker:

Dan introduced Sally MacDonald.  Sally is a spinning instructor at White Oaks, a registered nurse and worked as an Occupational Health nurse at GM.  Sally does a cardio rehab exercise program called Happy Hearts in Grimsby.

There has been a lot of changes over the years in the areas of fitness and there is now lots of talk about it. As the boomers age, they want to age healthily. Our generation is much more aware of aging and the importance of health.  We need to have flexibility, stabilization and strength training. To maintain health. Range of motion exercises are important.  Healthy eating is also very important.  As we age, a decrease in body functions will cause problems-health and fitness will prepare you for healthy aging. We are empowered to change how we think -join a club, hire a personal trainer, and have a program established for yourself.


Basic walking is still very good, but you need to engage your core muscles. Find what works for you, you are never too old.  Accept how you are and go with it. If you are afraid to do something on your own, get a partner who is at a similar stage and get off the couch. Consequences of inactivity are great.  The body will see inactivity as status quo and will lead to heart problems, diabetes, and weight gain. You should be exercising at least 3 hrs/week. Be sure to warm up to not strain your muscles.You especially want to start if your genetics aren't great.  At age 50 things start to change.  You need to reduce calories, as the body can't break them down as easily. The best approach is to follow the Canada food rules and read the labels.


Just show up, do your best.  The choice is yours.


Rich thanked Sally for the information provided and for presenting to the club.


Attendance :  John noted 32 people in attendance with make-ups for a 100% attendance.