"We are the service organization of choice providing a friendly forum for members to use their skills and talents to serve the local, national, and international communities." 

- Draft Vision Statement of the Rotary Club of St. Catharines South


President John Teibert called the Club Assembly to order at 6:15 p.m.

National Anthem: John Teibert
Toast to the Queen & Canada: Dan Toppari
Invocation: Matt Taylor


January 21st Bingo - Beth needs one further volunteer for Friday night bingo.

March 2, 2011 - Joint Paul Harris Fellow Awards ceremony with St. Catharines Rotary clubs.

Tour du Lac/Take it to Heart Fundraiser - the vote continues to be taken by email. Responses so far are positive. The final tally will be presented at Monday's meeting.

Ron Kozub presented a cheque for $325  to the Club for the incentive sales of his breathalyzer key chains over the holiday season.


Frank Strathearn (December 29). Frank shares his birthday with Ted Danson and Mary Tyler Moore,

Ron Williams (January 5). Ron shares his birthday with King Camp Gillette, inventor of the safety razor, and Marlyin Manson

June Manning (January 7) June shares her birthday with Nicholas Cage and Katie Couric.

Jean Holbert-Leighton (January 9). Jean shares her birthday with Crystal Gale and Gypsy Rose Lee.

Peter Snodgrass (January 15). Peter shares his birthday with Charo, Lloyd Bridges, and Martin Luther King Jr.  


Sheila Bristo introduced Jane Bradley, our facilitator. Jane began her career as a professional caregiver at the age of 17. After graduating form Brock, she spent her early career in healing trauma and crisis. She has worked with high risk youth, abused women and their children, developmently-disabled adults, newcomers to Canada, homeless people living with HIV Aids, and people with serious mental illness. In 1989, Jane opened up her private practice in St. Catharines offering counseling to adults and children. She has created a workshop series for caregivers called "Keys to Compassion Fatigue" and delivers training to organizations across Canada.

Jane explained that the mandate of the evening is to try and write a Vision Statement that is for our club only. Jane explained that our club was charted in 1968 - the same year that Martin Luther King uttered the famous line, "I have a dream". Jane asked "What is our dream for our club? What do we want to look like/be like on our 50th anniversary?" 

Participants were divided into three groups for round table discussions. Each table was asked to submit what they thought would be appropriate. Suggestions were written on flip charts and after a very lively ½ hour- the suggestions were submitted to all.

The draft Vision Statement for the Rotary Club of St. Catharines South is:

"We are the service organization of choice providing a friendly forum for members to use their skills and talents to serve the local, national, and international communities." 
Sheila concluded the meeting by stating that this draft visioning statement is a starting point that we can be come back to and discuss through the strategic planning process. The next step is to form a committee to talk about how to move this forward. We will need to look at a mission statement and goals to get us to our 50th anniversary.  


As there was no further business for the good of Rotary, President John wished everyone a good week in Rotary and, before adjourning the meeting at approximately 8:30 p.m., left members with this thought for the day:
"This very moment is all that we have, so choose your thoughts wisely. It is too precious to waste on the negative moments of yesterday." - Sandra Ashmore.