
Kris Akilie, standing in for President Sheila, called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.   

National Anthem: John D’Ambrosio

Toast to the Queen & Canada: Cathy Henry

Invocation: Paul Monaghan

Lunch (reconvened at 12:30)


Tom Schulz introduced Jeff Thomas from Scotiabank, a prospective member, and Jane Gardner, General Manager of Carousel Players.


June Manning, serving as Sergeant-at-Arms, accepted happy dollars from:

  • John D’Ambrosio
  • Paul Monaghan
  • Roseanne Morissette
  • Dan Toppari
  • Jeff Thomas
  • Ian Forbes
  • Cathy Henry
  • Jim Howes
  • Debi Garneau
  • Don Beard


Cheque presentation to Carousel Players by Ed Telenko.

Ed gave a moving  speech about the history of Howard Etherington and why we donate to a worthy cause each year. Jane Gardner, General Manager of Carousel Players, accepted a cheque for $3,000.00 towards a play that is being presented to over 8,000 children throughout the school district about autism. Our donation will allow 800 children, who could otherwise not afford to go, to attend.


Bingo - John is looking for one more volunteer for the April 28 bingo.

Car Rally - The car rally is in two weeks.  President Sheila has raised $ 300 in pledges.  There are  approximately 21 cars entered so far. The Rotary Club of Cambridge is sending four cars and 12 registrants. We need prizes for the prize table. Next Wednesday at Cathy’s house (7:30 p.m.) the goody bags will be stuffed. Please come and help. 51 Tremont Drive.

Also, please remember to wear your Rotary t-shirts the day of the rally - Great visual PR for the Club.

Group Study Exchange - Roseanne attended the farewell presentation for our District's GSE team to Brazil. Angela Hintz, who is the team leader, was previously a team member. She became a Rotarian three years ago. Her experience with GSE will have come full circle.


None to report. 

50/50 DRAW

Debi Garneau had the winning ticket, but drew the 8 of Spades.


Jean Stewart expressed her regret to our guest speaker and to Kris Akilie and took early leave.


Jim Howes introduced Ian Forbes to give his classification talk. Ian spoke of his history of over 30 years in the car industry, his interest in cycling, and his health crisis that got him started on getting fit for cycling. He now works at BIKEFIT and demonstrated the latest technology in bikes. Ian is the Chairman of Rotary Tour du Lac in support of the Heart Investigation Unit. His bucket list includes riding from Tofino, British Columbia back to St. Catharines.  

Jim Howes presented a pen to Ian and thanked him for his dedication to Rotary and for his example in never giving up and having goals.  


Tom Schulz reported 14 members, nine make-ups, and two guests for 70 per cent attendance.


April 30, Pat Romney from Hotel Dieu Shaver.


Kris Akilie wished everyone a good week in Rotary and before adjourning the meeting at 1:25 p.m. left members with this quote for the day: (in recognition of our new members):  "I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."-Albert Schweitzer