President George called the meeting to order and welcomed all.
Grace was by Peter Vanrooijen 
O Canada led by Rick Evans
After toast to The Queen, Canada and the people of Canada President George introduced the Head Table
Steve Tenyenhuis- introducing our speaker.
Charlotte Webbe our Inbound Exchange Student and today's guest speaker
President George at the lectern
Lezlie Murch  - Sgt at Arms
Wendy Darby- Rotary Story
Lisa Gerrie-  guest introductions
President George called on Lisa to introduce today's guest
We had one guest:
Melissa DaBeau guest of Alicia Merry
President George announced there were no anniversaries to announce but we have three birthdays to celebrate
Laura Hills October 30
And today November 3rd both Heather Combe and Steve Tenyenhuis
Happy Birthday to all!
President George then introduced Wendy Darby to share a Rotary story
Wendy shared with the club her experience as an Exchange student over 20 years ago in Finland. Wendy's ability to bring to life one of her memories of her time in Finland must be an inherited trait! (John Crossingham) Wendy also spoke to her current work now and how both her time as an exchange student and learning about Rotary have provided her with skills to bring additional value to her position.
President George thanked Wendy and then asked Steve Tenyenhuis to the podium to introduce today's speaker.
Steve and his family have had the pleasure of hosting Charlotte to date.  While Steve did not want to take away from Charlotte's presentation he did share a few facts as a way of introducing Charlotte
* Charlotte is from Helsinki and is both Finnish and Swedish!
* Steve shared with the club a few observations he and his family have make so far! Charlotte likes tuna, pizza and not sure if I wrote this right?? Ketchup and Pasta. Steve mentioned Charlotte smiles but they need to be earned! Steve encouraged all Rotarians to take the time to meet Charlotte and introduce her to our communities.
Steve then turned the podium to Charlotte this years inbound student from Finland
Charlotte thanked Steve and his family for all they have done to assist her in getting settled in St Catharines
Charlotte shared with the club information about herself and family. Charlotte shared her Dad is a Rotarian and was past AG of Southern Finland- at this point Charlotte presented
President George with a club banner from her Dad's district.
Charlotte's mother had been an exchange student and her inspiration for taking this path herself.
Charlotte loves animals, music and travelling. Charlotte can speak six different languages.
-- from Finland....who knew!!!!!????
Charlotte shared with the club some facts about her country- as well as some famous Finnish people
Some club members had questions for Charlotte after her excellent presentation then Sandra Holloway thanked her on behalf of the club. Sandra then shared we would be making a donation in her name to WE Free The Children Charity.
President George then thanked both Steve (for his dedication to the program) and Charlotte for her talk,
President George started the announcements by reminding  all club members that HELP is required to take photos of about 50 firms- for TV Auction-please see Margaret Jarrell or
President George - this is NB to get done So PLEASE volunteer
President George  reminded us all that already tons of work has been undertaken by a group of volunteers but we must all make sure we volunteer for a successful outcome for our Auction.
Margaret Jarrell spoke to the club about the signs promoting the TV Auction to be placed on private property- at the close of the meeting Margaret is requesting ALL members take 2 to place in locations ( private property ) Please NOT before Nov 11th
Margaret also asked club members to take "save the date" place cards about the TV Auction to distribute to generate the "buzz and excitement " about participating in the TV Auction
Jean Armitage and Lezlie Murch both spoke out to encourage members to sign up electronically for shifts for the auction!
Ted Usick reminded us that this  year Every Rotarian Every Year would be at 126.50 US or 162.00 Canadian- Ted will be sending out an email with direction.
Ted also gave out a shout out to Phil Kirwin and Dianne Wright-Kirwin for the great Foundation Placemats!!
President George then called in Cindy Mewhinney to do Happy Dollars
Cindy started off with her own Happy Dollars by sharing the success of Push for Change stop in St Catharines as well as reminiscing with Dianne about their experiences as exchange students
Ellis Katsof was happy for a great 65th birthday and progress of his book " Life 3.0 Protirement not Retirement. Ellis also gave a shout out to Phil and Dianne for assistance
Joel Chatterton was happy for a great trip,  but also wondering what happened to the time as his baby  girl  turned 21!!
Lezlie Murch was happy that the Collegiate Interact received its Certification- kudos to both Lezlie and Art Wing - well done from the club
Lezlie relayed a message from Betty-Lou Souter who thanked InterAct for their visit to Community Care.
Jean Armitage was happy for the time she took Charlotte to a concert, and reminisced about her trip to Finland.
50/50 Draw:
President George then called on Charlotte to pick the 50/50 ticket - Rick Radowsky's number was called but alas Rick did not pick an ace
President George adjourned the meeting with a reminder next week's meeting will include Sandra Holloway's Classification Talk