On March 4th, Paul Lebon, addressed the Rotary Club of Nashua regarding, “An Outpouring of the People's Love: The Last 24 Hours of JFK's Life”. Paul LeBon is a retired Performance Consultant and Cuba Expert who has spent over 300 days on the ground in Cuba engaged in Mission Trips and treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease. He has written a number of books, including today’s program, “An Outpouring of the People's Love: The Last 24 Hours of JFK's Life”. Mr. LeBon was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few years ago and said he’s successfully managed those symptoms so far.
Paul spoke about his ancestor’s being from Belgium and working in the Woonsocket and Nashua mills. He then talked about the JFK assassination and that he was not shot in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, but on Elm Street. The story was due to a rivalry between two local newspapers in Dallas and Ft. Worth.
He noted that JFK and his wife spent a few days in Texas prior to the shooting. Crowds met them in Dallas, Ft. Worth and San Antonio. He also noted that JFK’s last words were in response to Mrs. Connelly, the Governor’s wife, who was also in the vehicle. “Mr. President, they can’t make you believe now that there are not some in Dallas who love you and appreciate you, can they”. His response was, “No they sure can’t”. He was shot moments later. They had plans to go to the LBJ Ranch later that day. Vice President Johnson had written his speech for that evening where he said, “We are glad you made it out of Dallas alive”. Following his presentation, Mr. Lebon took questions from club members.