Discuss Progress on the CTE Renovation project and Warrant Article 1 Alvirne High School Renovations
Feb 14, 2019 7:30 AM
Steve Beals, Principal, Alvirne High School
Discuss Progress on the CTE Renovation project and Warrant Article 1 Alvirne High School Renovations

Warrant Article 1 Alvirne High School Renovation Shall the Hudson School District raise and appropriate the sum of $23,989,957 for the design, construction, and equipping of additions and renovations to Alvirne High School; and further authorize the School Board to issue not more than $23,989,957 in bonds or notes for the balance of the project costs in accordance with the Municipal Finance Act, (RSA Chapter 33) [no more than this bond may be issued for the project without further authorization of the voters of the Hudson School District] and authorize the School Board to issue, negotiate, sell, and deliver such bonds and notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon and the maturity and other terms thereof; and further raise and appropriate the additional sum of $644,730 for the first year payment on the bond and authorize the School Board to take any other action necessary to carry out this vote or pass any other vote relative thereto?