This was a virtual Zoom meeting. There were 17 Rotarians present and two guests (Elaine Hughes and Mayor Jeff Jordan). The meeting commenced with usual practice of including pre-meeting time for conversation, conviviality and opportunities to reconnect with fellow members.
Invocation was given by Katherine. "Stay positive, test negative and count blessings"
Kathryn introduced speaker Mayor Jordan with ancillary complimentary remarks to Black Lab Violet
Mayor Jeff Jordan spoke about coping through the pandemic with strengthened community bonds, cooperation with other Mayors within the Niagara region, and a range of long term strategies. The largest is in support of the new West Lincoln Memorial Hospital. Design work is ongoing and the process to find a builder is now underway.
Transit is also an important area of focus for the town. The launching of the new NRTOnDemand, in August, now allows residents to travel around Grimsby and the region with door to door service. Thus far, 65% of this service usage has been by Grimsby residents. Future GO service is scheduled and follows a provincial timeline.
There is continued community involvement in Main Street development and an accessible waterfront trail.
Plans are in place for Niagara involvement in the Canada Games. Centennial celebrations and 100 years of Peach King Hockey are in the planning stages.
During the question period, Mayor Jordan responded to a variety of questions: Responses below in bullet form.
- There were no results available regarding the archaeological dig at the Nixon property located at Main St and Nelles St.
- There are joint efforts taking place with homeowners regarding protection and regeneration of the Pumphouse and at Grimsby Beach. The mayor has a keen interest in history and has a personal collection of antique nails, many found on his farm property, and railway spikes that once were part of the Hamilton/Grimsby/Beamsville rail system.
- Under the Town Recreational Plan there is a request application in place for funding to update the Peach King Centre with a gymnasium and a running track.
- A grant is in place for a public works project to update the Gibson St. footbridge. Regional discussion is underway regarding a redo of Casablanca Blvd.
- There will be an extensive water main project for downtown, after the Centennial Celebrations take place.
- 'Grimsby on the Lake' is accommodating many new citizens to the town and Grimsby residents are frequenting the commercial development taking place.
- Projected GO transit has made us the fastest growing municipality in Niagara.
- The impact of Covid and the lock down, despite Federal and Provincial support for small businesses has taken a toll. Extended patios will be again considered, if required. The town will be initiating a 'gardening project' in the spring. This presents an opportunity for Rotary involvement!
- The Bio-digester is functional and Miller Waste has done a wonderful job with clean up and beautification. There are plans for expansion with possible inclusion of green bin waste.
- The Santa Claus Parade resulted in over three times the amount of food and donations collected in 2019 for the GBF. Grimsby firefighters deserve our thanks!
Rotarian and Regional Councillor, Wayne Fertich, complimented the Mayor for his working cooperation with Mayors of Niagara, Lincoln, and West Lincoln, and the Regional Councillors to push the building of the hospital forward.
Patrick thanked Mayor Jordan for his talk and for his good work on behalf of the town.
George - Happy to live in Canada! Jeanette - Happy 2020 is gone! Travel plans for 2021! Rich- Glad that a 96 year old Mother-in-Law has recovered from Covid! She was given excellent care at her Chartwell residence.
Joan - Loving the Walking Group!
Wayne - Great to be able to participate! Rotary might consider a possible fundraiser for McNally House. Andy - Happy that no friends have Covid. Be safe!
Bob - Skating rink fiasco with lack of cold weather!
Jim H - 10,000 steps each day! Hooray for Zoom!
Marshall - Low: Washington/ High: 2021 golf club application submitted
Jeff Jordan - Bruce Trail excursions with Violet. Glad to have a reprieve over Christmas!
Brian - Things are always Golden!
Liz - Family safe in East England! A new career path teaching English and math virtually for grades 1 and 4?
Kathryn - Delighted with success of curb side pick-up at the library!
Marie - Walking, avoiding crowds and missing grandchildren!
Katherine - Grandma and Grandpa School for a 5 and 7 year old! Matt - Generous offer to help Liz and Katherine with curriculum issues. Pleased that the school will have a new green house, gymnasium, turf track and theatre!
Patrick - Love having Joe at home. A wonderful grade 1 experience!
Bill and Elaine - Continued self-isolation. Disappointed by the Canadian Junior Hockey final and saddened by the loss of Alex Trebeck.