The Grapevine Newsletter
June  2021 Club Notes

 June 3rd, 2021 Meeting Notes
1.) Rotary International Convention - until to June 16th, 2021
The 2021 Virtual Convention is better than ever, opening more innovative opportunities to learn and to engage with the family of Rotary, near and far.
The event has already started and you can still join in.  Rotarians from around the world are networking in virtual lounges, meeting new partners in service, and joining fun activities with Rotary members from around the world.
The convention cost is a mere $65 to cover basic event costs.  Here is a listing of the breakout program events you can still take part in.  In addition to these, you can also partake in the plenary events.
Monday, 14 June
8:00 - Grow Rotary Through Engagement (DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, JA, KO, PT, ZH)
8:00 - Sowing the Seeds for Sustainable Development (EN)
12:00 - Achieving a Polio-Free World (EN, FR, IT)
12:00 - Enhancing STEM Education in Kenya (EN)
18:00 - Promoting DEI in Rotary Youth Programs (EN, ES, PT)
18:00 - Donating Money is an Art; Using it is a Science (EN, JA, KO, ZH) *presented in Chinese
Tuesday, 15 June
8:00 - Intercountry Committee's Contribution to Rotary's Priorities (DE, EN, FR, IT)
8:00 - Protecting the Environment through Global Grants (EN, ES, JA, KO, PT, ZH)
12:00 - Expanding Club Visibility to a Non-Rotarian Audience (EN, ES, FR, IT, PT)
12:00 - From Zone Strategy to Club Activity (EN)
Wednesday, 16 June
8:00 - Mission Inclusion: Accelerating DEI in Rotary (EN, ES, IT, PT, ZH)
8:00 - Matchmaking: Discovering International Partners (EN, JA, KO)
12:00 - Young Leaders Become Governors! (DE, EN, ES, IT) *presented in English and Spanish
12:00 - Building Better Community Health, Effectively! (EN)
Register for the conference here.
2.) Dues for 2021-2022 year
The membership voted that your dues for next year will not be changing.  They will remain at $260 payable once by cheque or eTransfer or using the 2-payment method.  See note from Club Treasurer Rich....
We are asking that members do their utmost to provide payment to the Club by June 25th.  This can be done easily by sending an e-transfer to (preferred) or by cheque. 
In the past, we have not requested payments in advance of the upcoming year, but we wish to avoid the situation experienced last year when some members did not tell us that they were not returning prior to the June 30th deadline and subsequently decided not to continue as Members. 
This left the Club paying RI and District dues on behalf of these members without the corresponding revenues.  It is imperative that the Secretary provide RI and District with the correct membership numbers by June 30th.
If Members prefer, they can pay their annual dues in two installments -- $130 by June 25 and the balance by the end of December.
3.) District 7090, Virtual Change Over  - Saturday, June 26th
This is a special invitation from Governor Frank Adamson and Governor Elect Anne Bermingham.  It is to attend your District's Changeover Celebration on Saturday June 26th - it takes place on your computer from 9:00 to 10:30 am. 
What happens at a celebration?  We will be toasting each and every club and thanking your Club President.  We will be honouring Governor Frank Adamson and all of his accomplishments.  We will be thanking our district committees for their achievements.  
It is a great chance to see what other clubs are doing in our district as well as what our District Committees are doing as well to help clubs.  No cost.  No driving.  Just click on this link to register please. 
Final 2020-2021 Rotary year meeting 
Grimsby's Got It - June 17, 2021 - Rebecca Shelley
A shop local program sponsored jointly by the Region of Niagara and the Town of Grimsby is being launched on Monday, June 14th. 
Grimsby Chamber of Commerce  
 Executive Director, Rebecca Shelley will be joining us and sharing the particulars of this program and its community benefits.
Recent surveys support a strong push for buy-local initiatives. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s recent Ontario Economic Report listed “encouraging Ontarians to Buy Local” as a top priority for communities across the province. Niagara’s own Economic Response Team’s third survey shows that, specifically in Grimsby, businesses reported that a “Slow Return of Customers” was the Top Obstacle to Recovery.
Everyone talks about how supporting local is important, but why? How does supporting local businesses actually affect a local economy?
Overall, thriving local businesses reinvest consumer dollars in their local economy at a far greater rate than other businesses or the large online retailers and chains: local businesses employ local people who then spend locally, too; local businesses use other local businesses like banks, tradespeople, and other service providers, and they give back to local not-for-profits, further enriching our community.
They are our neighbours, our friends, and they are heavily invested in the community that consumers have chosen to live, work, and play in.  To date, the program has more than $25,000 committed through discounts, in-kind contributions, and outright sponsorship. It’s a pretty powerful indication of how important it is to work together and how strongly so many local businesses believe that a Support Local campaign well help drive recovery.
The See Rotary in Niagara Car Rally has been cancelled.
This was a Virtual ZOOM meeting.   Social time, as always, was enjoyed by all .   
President Liz welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.  
There were15 Grimsby Rotarians present, 6 guests. Guests were Elaine Hughes, Wally Wyshnowski, Sherry Cain, Graeme Dargavel, Beth Shaw and Ryan Waldron.
Marie Slovason led the invocation. Bob Martin lead the toasts.
Rotary Gives Back to the Community
1.) Rose Cottage – Brian Golden introduced Wally Wyshnowski, Board President and Sherry Cain, the Executive Director, representing Rose Cottage.
Wally Wyshnowski, Board President. His own personal experiences with the Rose Cottage lead him to actively take part in the organization by serving on the board for nearly 10 years. He has been a leading force in advocating awareness and support of Rose Cottage Community Hospice. 

Sherry Cain, Executive Director, has served as the Executive Director of Rose Cottage Community Hospice for 6 years. Bringing experience and education from social services and senior management industry.
Rose cottage serves West Niagara.  For over 30 years they have provided visiting volunteers in client’s own homes, care facilities and/or hospital.  During COVID they have seen an increase number of clients, upwards an increase of > 500% of services provided.  COVID forced us to pivot and develop new methods of supporting our clients.  We currently are offering direct and indirect services i.e. televisits, and wellness checks.  The client care packages, which are delivered to our clients, are something that will stay after COVID.  They have been unable to do any fundraising during COVID and are very appreciative of the ongoing support from the Grimsby Rotary club.

Brian thanked Wally and Rose and praised their ability to adapt on the “run” during a pandemic and maintain superb services.
2.) Gillian’s Place – Patrick Brabant introduced Graeme Dargavel.
Graeme Dargavel  is the Manager of Community Development at Gillian’s Place overseeing  the organizations development and donor relations program. In this role, Graeme look to community partners to raise vital funds that directly empower survivors of gender-based violence when they need practical, compassionate support and protection the most. 
Graeme expressed on behalf of the organization how grateful they are for the long-term support by the Grimsby Rotary Club.  Demand for their services has increased during COVID. The last year has been very difficult and the risk of abuse has risen as the lock down has isolated so many.  We do find that the survivors of abuse that receive services become more empowered to improve their situation. 
Patrick thanked Graeme for the continued great work that Gillian’s Place accomplishes in our community
3.) The FORT -  Liz Fisk introduced Beth Shaw.
Beth Shaw is the executive director at the FORT. She has worked with at-risk youth for over 30 years and has been with the FORT for almost 15 of them. It is her job to ensure that our community youth are given the best chances for success. She is also tasked with raising the required funds through grants, fundraisers and donations to operate their centres. Currently The FORT has over 10,000 youth visits annually.
Beth shared that the FORT has provided services for over 20 years, with clubs in Grimsby and Smithville.  They average > 10,000 visits from youth a year.  They offer and variety of activities, such as homework help, Mental Health Crisis help, and cooking club. COVID put a large strain on their budget, as the additional cleaning supplies and disposable items were not part of the original yearly budget determination.  The money received from the Rotary Club helped fill the cupboards in order to run the programs.  The youth are also encouraged to give back to the community and the group regularly cooks meals for Salvation Army.
Liz thanked Beth for the great work FORT accomplishes and services provided for the youth in our community.
4.) Grimsby Public Library -  Grant Schaming introduced Ryan Waldron.  
Ryan Waldron is the Deputy Chief Librarian at the Grimsby Public Library and has worked there since 2013. During this time, Ryan has enjoyed getting to know library patrons and helping them with things like accessing e-Books, getting seeds from the library’s seed catalogue, digitizing old slides, or simply finding a good book to read. Two of his favourite parts of the job since the pandemic started are giving online ukulele lessons, and giving away heirloom tomato seedlings this spring. One of his least favourite parts of the job is fixing the library’s 3 D printer (again!).
During COVID the library has been a successful curb side pick up of preordered books.  E books have also expanded in popularity.  They have been able to move the Author Series to a virtual event with great participation.  The Rotary grant has allowed the library to purchase 10 WiFi hotspots, which can be checked out.  On each hot spot device there is a Rotary sticker proudly displayed to acknowledge the donation.
Grant thanked Ryan and expressed his personal appreciation for the continued services from the library during COVID.
There were no questions for the Board.
Jeanette – wanted to Thank everyone for the Paul Harris award.  Meant a lot to her and her family.  
Bill and Elaine – all well, walking regularly, reading for the book club.  Grandson is doing well and Face times weekly
Brian – all well, enjoying the weather and time with his granddaughter
Roger –R well, just back from time spent at the cottage.
Katherine D – passed on her thanks again for the Library donation.
Rich – is a happy HABS fan.  Thrilled Canada defeated Russia for the gold.
Joan – all well, enjoying the great golf weather
Bob – grandson is a HANS fan.  Sad that Scotland curling visit is off for this year.
Katherine F – home schooling grandchildren. Has had second dose of vaccine.  Paul working up at cottage
Grant – garden looks great
Jim N -  crazy busy! Recently turned 65.  Biking in mornings and evening.  Son in law in Montreal has been admitted to hospital with COVID.  Everyone in club is praying for recovery .
Marie – having sleepover with grandson
Liz – 9 yr old granddaughter has taken up competitive swimming and at her first meet already sits 40th within the UK I n 3 disciplines.
President Liz adjourned the meeting.
 You are invited to join us at our
upcoming meeting - June 17th, 2021
Final 2020-2021 Rotary year meeting
Meeting ID: 739 6984 6418
Passcode:  Q5d1NT
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
Russell Hampton
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