Roger Thomas talks about the Bandung Project


1. September 2013 first concept preparation but started discussions 2011

2. Submission as a project late that year

3. RT flew to Bandung to consolidate submission with Committee

4. Submission tabled at RCHP and agreed to support the project

5. RC H P agreed to $2000 each year for 3 years as the project developed

6. RT flew to Bandung twice a year to ensure the project was on course.

7. Reported to RCHP on return

8. Rotary International approved as it benefitted —Local Community, Humanitarian, Public Relations, Accommodation, Equity, Quality

9. RT/RCBBM worked together in Bilingual Language

10. Concept not only to accommodate homeless girls but to Educate them in all phases of compulsory education leading to Vocational training ,Small business opportunities, university etc

11. From RC H P the Submission was checked by Jim Handley and finances followed up by Theo Kruse

12. Initially 6 girls were taken in cared for by a former Street Kid [now an Artist and House Mother]. They as expanded have shifted 3 times to final shelter to which considerable building renovations are happening to take an additional girls to 16

13. The project has appointed a Project Manager who now has an Assistant

14. The RC BBM look after the welfare of these children and have access to Professional support available

15. The Project Manager produced a Gannt chart of what he wants to achieve and by all accounts is doing a good job.

16. Although I visit the shelter once a year now I keep in contact with a committee person by flying to least 3 times a year to keep abreast as to what is happening to which I report to the Board after each meeting with her.

17. The shelter now has access to an IT person who has accepted our 6 laptops via Allen Stanley contacts and a 42 inch T V which will be connected to the Global network soon. The idea is to have a separate computer room.

18. Whilst the RC H P has partnered RC B B M from a solid start to the project our Club is well known and we are invited to visit in the near future

19. Each year we have donated approx. $ 2000 to the RC BBM for its development and the Program is continually growing, focused on providing a greater range of services and assistance to more children in need.

20. The Art in the Box program is instrumental in identifying the girls in jeopardy of abuse, neglect or falling into a life of Prostitution. The trained outreach workers where the street kids congregate with boxes of materials. The street kids emerge. The outreach workers identify a child with serious issues, the Bandung Street Kids Program, can then provide short and long term social and medical support

21. In all I represent the Hyde Park team and most impressed for what is being achieved in Indonesian terms, planning and the opportunity to openly discuss what I thought for the future, Well done to the Hyde Park for the continued support that is well recognised and appreciated, the financial, supply of equipment and able to be there to help as one of our major Projects representing the Club for humanity of the children.