The One & All
The One & All is a replica sailing ship that the SA Government use to take young people on short trips to get them used to feeling what it must have been like for some of the first settlers that came here from the UK. The Young people experience all kinds of tasks while on the five day trip.
Hyde Park Rotary Club in conjunction with their daughter club Eastwood Rotary Club have sponsored a young 18 year old lass, Tamika Barrett, from Thebarton Senior College to do the trip.
Bernie and Barbara Boxer from the Hyde Park Club and Terri Hamilton-Smith from Eastwood were dockside last Sunday the 27th of September 2020 at 8am to see Tamika and the other students off. There were quite a crowd of parents and Rotarians there when the District Governor David Jones made a speech to send them on their way..........
                                                                                The Farewell
                                                                             Bernie Boxer and Tamika
                                               The Return