Charitable Trust - Contact Information

Tax-Deductible Donations

To continue to grow, the Trust will need support from individuals and organisations that believe in and support the work that the Trust is doing. You can be sure that any gift you are able to give will be carefully invested and will go on providing help to the young people in our community far into the future. Furthermore, being a registered charity, any donations and gifts to the Trust are fully tax deductible.
If you are considering arranging your affairs, a bequest will ensure that the community will continue to benefit from your decision in a manner that helps the individual and society in which they live.
Donations and gifts may be sent to:
The Secretary'
The Rotary Club of Hyde Park Charitable Trust
PO Box 461
UNLEY, SA. 5061
If you are considering a bequest to the trust, we suggest you talk with your legal advisor, or alternatively write to the secretary at the above address for advice.
Helping the young
find their way.