Before you know it daylight savings time will end!
It's fall again and daylight savings time is about to end.  Each year we use the change over to standard time as a reminder to change those worn out batteries in smoke detectors and alarms.  This week, Fred Motter will be handing out sign up sheets for the battery exchange scheduled for November 8th.  Please, take a sign-up sheet to your church or events where people needing help with battery replacement can sign up. 
Interact, Rotaract and Rotary all work together on this project and it's a great deal of fun.  Please, mark your calendars now so that you can help November 8th from 8:00 am to noon(ish).  The more volunteers, the faster we get the job done.  It's a great project and a real help for members of the community who cannot do this life saving project for themselves.