Along with the usual breakfast this morning, the cook made a pizza with egg and ham. Different and really good. We welcomed Peter Dendekker, guest of Bruce, and Dr. David Galbraith our guest speaker. 

President Jan started off by thanking everybody who volunteered for the fireworks. It was a very successful event that could not have happened without both the members and their family and friends. Special thanks to Ken and George for coordinating the event. George also thanked everyone and Ken indicated that we grossed around $14 000 from the gate, food trucks and 50/50 draw.




ImageThanks also to William Pleydon, Marnee's friend who took all of the above photos.

Jan reminded us of the June 10 meeting with the noon club. She needs to know if you will attend. No morning meeting that day. Board members please note the meeting on May 28 at Jessica's home. Glen asks that unsold lobster rib tickets be returned next Tuesday and that all money collected so far be handed in to him. Bill needs more auction items.

Happy Dollars from Shirley who brought three exchange students to work at the fireworks; Bob Morrow for his birthday; David Carson for his daughter's birthday; Phil and Barb who celebrate their 42 anniversary and Derek who is a great granddad. Ken also received a phone call from David Lowery who checked on how the club did at the fireworks. Even at the Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice David is thinking of us.

Ralph's unsung hero is Bill Armstrong who looks after security at all our events, manages the silent auction at the lobster rib fest,is on the board and marches in the annual Remembrance Day parade.