4-H Presentation Day a Success

Held at Cal Poly each year, 4-H Presentation Day is an annual event where young 4-Hers develop their confidence and public speaking skills by giving a 15 minute talk on the subject of their choice. Each year our club provides judges to give feedback and support. This year, due to the memorial service on the day of the event, most of the scheduled volunteers requested to be relived of their commitment. Two days before the event, an emergency request was sent out for volunteers. Incredibly, within 8 hours, we had over 25 Rotarians step forward to help out! The event ran smoothly and the judges were entertained by presentations ranging from testing soil samples to care of a new puppy!  The youth and 4-H organization greatly appreciate the continued support of our club.

Rotarians can again show their support by volunteering to judge the 4-H Regional Presentation Day at 9 AM in Cal Poly's old Ag. Building room 240, Saturday, March 15th and attending the 4-H BBQ on Wednesday, April 23 at the Monday Club.

If you can make the March 15th regional, please e-mail neubertassoc@tcsn.net .



Rod Neubert

New Generations
