The Los Osos Community Coalition is a group that brings together representatives of Los Osos organizations, to work together for the fulture.
January was the first public meeting of the Los Osos Homeless/Poverty Outreach Committee. The topics we covered were: warming centers, monthlly dinners, the County Homeless Count, and basic needs. Many service organizations are working with LOCC to represent and with with a Community Resource Center.
Linda is the founder of Especial Consulting, her Community organizing skills have always been active in our county. The Los Osos Community Coaltion started in June 2016 is going strong. We are accomplishing our goals one by one. The Los Osos Resource Center opened Jan 23 with the help of People Helping People. Homeless/Poverty outreach committee met for the first time last month we are off to a great start helping people in our community. The coalition database has 70 people and the meetings are well attended. I am supervising the Resource Center and training the wonderful volunteers in information and referral. 
This has kept me busy and is my gift to my community.