Sandy Nichols introduced Carolyn Novack: Novack has worked for the ARC, SLO County Chapter, as a national and local volunteer for 4 years. Born in LA, she worked 20 years in the sports radio industry. She recently completed her first book and is now working on her second. She is a roller derby girl under the name of CJ Hooker.


     Novack reminded us that she spoke to our Club some time ago about her experience in the New Orlean's disaster and urged us once again to have a "Your Grab and Go Kit" and have a family plan worked out in case of an emergency. She said, "Every family needs to get a kit, make a plan and be informed". It is important that your kit should be checked each time we change our clocks from and to daylight savings time. At the same time, batteries in your smoke alarms should be replaced; and with good batteries, not Dollar Store batteries.

     Relating a recent house fire in Grover Beach, she said it left a mother, daughter, a resident and one of five animals surviving; but with nothing. The day before Thanksgiving, the smoke detector kept going off while they were preparing their next day's celebration meal; they removed the batteries and the next day, an electrical short in the heating system caused a fire. Novack responded and assessed their needs, gave them support and assurance to calm their anxieties. She said that the Red Cross is there to give help without the expectation of any financial return.

     The SLO Chapter has trained almost 17,000 residents in First Aid/CPR/Aquatics; 3,000 have received Disaster Preparedness training; assumed the leadership in developing other organizations to coordinate their system of communication and service delivery during a major disaster; developed pet care locations for emergency reasons; and provide support to military personnel and their families. Volunteers have donated 8,522 hours, an in-kind value of $172,000!  To donate, volunteer or seek more information, call 543-0696.