Bucky Tart Fills in With Program on SR 530/Oso Event

When our speaker had to cancel for this week's meeting, our member, Bucky Tart, a Geotechnical Engineer, filled in with a bit of a repeat program.
               Bucky Tart
When the event happened there was an enormous splash when the hill came down. There is a bench area above the river and Bucky believes that the area above that slide.
Bucky bases his opinions of what happened on the experiences of 4 people that were present at the slide. There had to be a loose airborne flow that fell on top of them called a splash because people were buried and survived. If it was mud they wouldn’t have been able to survive.
There has never been a landslide that has flown as far as the Oso slide, that is why Bucky believes that is was not a landslide, but a splash.  This can also be seen with the road that wasn’t hurt, just covered by mud.
43 people were injured in a matter of seconds.  There were not any people that were injured after that time, which makes the idea of the splash more believable.  In a Landslide people, would have been hurt at different times.
Since happy bucks shortened the time that Bucky had to do his slide presentation, he has offered to do a showing at another time.