Membership Business Meeting April 27

The 2016 Council on Legislation has given our club much more flexibility on how we operate.  In January we amended our bylaws to add a youth services director and committee. You were told that there would be more proposed changes coming.
Your board, with input from members at the club assembly and from an ad hoc committee, is proposing changes. The first step in implementing these changes was the amendment of our Articles of Incorporation (including the new prescribed club constitution).  The second step is the Amendment of our Bylaws, followed by the adoption of specific policies.
Below is a link to a proposed new set of bylaws.  Here is a list of significant changes:
  • Dues and admission fees are set by the board and as a general rule will include the cost of meals.
  • Allows the board, relating to attendance requirement, to create a member-at-large type of active member.
  • Substitutes an easier to understand attendance requirement and gives the board authority to add to activities that constitute a "make-up".
  • Extends the make-up rule from 14 to 30 days prior to after a missed meeting.
See more fore the text of the proposed bylaws.  Click HERE to see the new proposed bylaws.