Scribe 8 Nov 2017
This was a business meeting.  Joanne was present.  Jeff came earlier than usual.  Others present were Pat, Peter, Don and Brian.  There was no invocation due to absence of Carlos.  Don asked if Carlos was still ill and in turn was asked if he had contacted Carlos, which he had not.
ROTARY MINUTE was Jeff’s job and he half did it, talking about the Peace Arch Journal and saying that this is the last issue for the present editor.  He also said that this is Foundation month and that the fee to join Every Rotarian Every Year is now $26.50 U.S.
Brian stated that the Rotary Foundation was not in the top 25 out of 86000 charities according to a recent Financial Post list on Google.  He asked who should be contacted and by whom.  The District Governor was mentioned as a contact.  The Financial Post was also mentioned but no one was assigned to make the contact.
Pat mentioned the foundation dinner and our intention to provide a gift basket.  Roberta was again stated to have this responsibility.  Pat is meeting with Janice Smith, the new Preincipal, and teacher Susan Martin on November 22.  Among other things he will cover Adventures in Citizenship and the Camp Alexandra programs.
Brian talked about difficulties with contacting the Rotary Club in Batambang.
Jeff said Ready, Steady, Go did very well clearing over $4100.  There was discussion over the length of time to get a gaming licence, the happiness of the Legion and the difficulties with one government official.  The Legion’s liquor licence needs to be protected.
A brochure from Prince George re Adventures in Forestry was mentioned.  A decision on Prince George and Ottawa Adventures was tabled.  We do have the money for both.  A money back guarantee is desired before committing funds.
Our next shredding event with Urban Impact is June 9.  We still may partner with Office Depot also.
The Fab Four may be available again next year.  Dierdre is to follow up.  Meanwhile they will perform with another band at Queen Elizabeth Theater which makes the Crescent Beach Legion seem small.
The District 5050 conference cruise is filling up fast.  Anyone wishing to attend had better register soon.
Adjournment was 5 minutes early.