Denise Darrell Speaks on Women's Place



Ruth Derksen-Siemens Gives Fascinating Interview on CBC


On Friday Feb. 28th, 2014, CBC aired a fascinating interview with Ruth. Ruth has written a book on the history of the Mennonite girls who worked as servants in Vancouver from the 1931 to 1961. Her book is called: "Daughters in the City: Mennonite Maids in Vancouver: 1931-1961". This is another fascinating piece of Vancouver history that Ruth has brought into the light.


Denise Darrell Speaks on Women's Place
Denise Darrell was our special guest. She is a former member of our club and it was great to see her again. She is still a Rotarian--in the Peninsula evening club. Women's Place merged with Sources in 2012. According to Denise, this was a good move for both Sources and for Women's Place. Sources had no women's programs. Denise said that none of her programs were compromised by the merger and no staff positions were lost. In addition, the staff gained pensions. Denise is responsible for the Food Bank, the Rent Bank and Rider Services. She is also responsible for all volunteers at Sources, which number 250. 

As for the food bank, Denise reported that 23% of clients are seniors and 1/3 are children (families with children). The Food Bank bought a building near the ambulance station on 156 Street near The Learning Centre. It is a much better location than the previous location. People now can line up inside instead of waiting in line outside the building. Users must register and prove that they live in the area. Denise obtained permission from the Ambulance Station to start a community garden in the area behind the station.This has been a success. The Food Bank also offers a mobile service. This allows volunteers to visit shut-ins and develop a relationship with those people. The volunteers can also be in a position to arrange for other services to these shut-ins if the need arises. 
With respect to Women's Place, Denise was happy to report that they had raised $127,0000 of $140,000 target for improvements to Women's Place including a new elevator, which will cost $50,000.
In Sources' Walk For the Homeless campaign Denise said that 25 or more teams, involving 250 people, participated in 5km or 10km walks or runs and they raised a total of $47,000. Congratulations on a great event Denise.

Seageant at Arms
Denise paid a Happy Dollar because of the success of the Walk For the Homeless.

Jody: Was happy to pay a buck to report that she arose at 3am to watch the Canada-Sweden game in the Olympics.

Renee: had a Happy Dollar for a friend whose surgery was successful. She had a Sad Dollar for a friend who lost her 40 year old son to brain cancer.

Bob Gray: happily paid $5 because he just returned from Hawaii or some other disgusting place like that. How could he leave our lovely winter for an over-heated island paradise?

Alan levied several $1 fines for several members (who shall remain nameless as we always generously display our mercy) for not wearing pink on Anti-Bullying Day.