Scribe Jan. 11, 2017
Today is a business and executive meeting.
Chair, Pat Hahn, introduced assistant D.G. Emery Dosdall, who was visiting.
There is a Grant Seminar this Saturday, Jan. 14 at the field house.  Pat  and Deirdre will attend.
Emery told us of the million dollar dinner last weekend.  Over 3.3 million dollars were raised to be spent on Rotary’s 6 areas of concern.  Emery also spoke of Polio plus.  He said that John Germ told those present that polio is now endemic in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan and there is $1 billion being spent per year.  The current rate is 36 cases of polio per year.  It was difficult to immunize particularly in Nigeria because of a belief that the immunization was an American plot but when a Nigerian chief brought his child for immunization the resistance was reduced.
Feb 3 there is a fundraising event at the Casino at the Cloverdale trotting track.
Feb 2 we are invited to the Semiahmoo breakfast meeting where there will be a cheque presentation for money raised by Sip and Savour to the hospice foundation.   Mary Bruno is President of the Semiahmoo Club and Pat is to ensure that publicity re funds raised recognizes that this was a 5 club event – not just Semiahmoo Club.  The meeting is at the Rotary Field House.  It was proposed to make this our meeting for the week but low attendance plans caused the defeat of this idea so we will meet on February 1 as regularly planned.  A formal accounting of the Sip and Savour fund raising is still hoped for.
Deirdre attended a talk about I Empowerment.  The speaker would be available for a 5 club meeting
SERGEANT – Lost his fines cup.
JoAnne paid for being late, Brian paid to make the sergeant go away, Alan paid for being late and for Obama’s speech last night, Emery was happy to be here, Deirdre was fined for talking over the chair, Pat was happy to have taken his eldest son to the airport, Rick was sad to be going to Toronto for a funeral but happy that his dad is ok and will be here in spring, Scott was sad that his brother, who has cancer and lives in Cache Creek had several trips to Vancouver for treatment that was cancelled, Don was happy to have slept in which is very rare, Pat was happy for Don, Rick was happy that the story was not accompanied by the Viagra song
Alan told us that student, Ethan, is too old for YAIL but may go to RYLA.  We voted to get YAIL money back.
Brian reported on Thailand.  Funding needs are still being investigated.  Receipts for funds given are in the mail.  Chip and Brian are going there on Feb 17.
Rick reported that Nikki, from Make A Wish, is looking for volunteers.  He will forward her e mail.
There was considerable discussion of Pacific Guide Dogs and Sophie’s Place.  Our social in February, Feb. 15, may be breakfast at Sophie’s.  Deirdre to contact Sophie’s to see if Feb 15 is o.k.  We have seen $14350 given to PADS (2 times 5000 from our club 2 times 500 privately and a donation from Urban Impact).  We originally said we would try to give $5000 per year for 3 years.  Our intent is to get a dog for Sophie’s Place.  Deirdre is to pursue a receipt.  A practice of voting on all significant cheques was suggested.
January 18 social will be dinner at the Roadhouse Grill.  Rick to arrange. At least 8 people will attend.
Sean Hagen has been discussing a Passport Club as a way to get back some Rotarians.  A Passport club meets only 4 times per year.  It is suggested that Sean be a speaker at a future meeting.
Absence of Renee was noted and a call to her suggested.
Emery thanked those who worked on the Polar Bear Swim and hopes to see all presidents swim soon.  It was suggested that District Governors should also swim.