This is one of 462 Kiva loans that the club has participated. We still have zero defaults. It's interesting to look at loan in the US. The typical default rate is 10%.

A loan of $1,200 helped Greydi Isamar Amador Galagarza to pay for tutoring and to register her research paper.


21-year-old Greydi is single and studying her fifth year of a law degree at UCA. She is requesting her second loan to register her research paper which she will defend in order to obtain her degree. This entails a fair amount of time and money as she must buy educational materials and pay a tutor who will help her with her paper. In addition, she is carrying out an internship in the prison system which is outside of the city. She travels there three times a week. Greydi's biggest dream is to be able to finish her degree and help people who need her services.