The Elphi Rangers, students guided by Scott Bruce
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16 Jan. 2025 |
The Elphi Rangers are a leadership group that support the grade 7-8 transition. This year, they helped to support new grade 8’s with locker day, a grade 8 welcome bbq and a YMCA camp for all grade 8’s. We are currently working on a plan to support Grade 9 students through leadership training specifically around violence towards women, minority groups and the LGBTQ2+ community. In the spring, they support grade 7 in as they visit Elphinstone.
Some of the Elphi Rangers are also members of Interact, however, Interac focus' on 2 main causes to raise funds for. The Elphi Rangers support grade 8's throughout the year and support with the grade 7 to 8 transition. In January, you will have the opportunity to hear what they do. In terms of commitment, that's totally up to you as an group. I have thought about hosting a guest speaker once per month at our meetings to learn from community members; speakers could speak to: who they are and what they do, how they got to where they are, advise they would give, leadership qualities etc; however, I would like to bring this idea to the Ranger group, but if you know of people with cool backgrounds and careers...
Some upcoming expenses:
- the Elphi Rangers are looking for funds to host a Grade 8 gingered house making competition. This was hugely successful and we had over 70 students in grade 8 participate.
- Elphi Ranger Training – each spring we take the Elphi Rangers to YMCA Camp Elphinstone in preparation for the ESS Grade 8 Day at Camp Elphinstone
- Grade 8 Camp Elphinston YMCA - every year we take all of our grade 8's to YMCA camp Elphinstone for a fund day of student bonding; the Elphi Rangers are a big part of this.
- Elphi Ranger shirts – two years ago, we purchased shirts for each Elphi Ranger, however, we are running out (and only have L, XL and XXL sizes left). We will need to purchase new shirts for next years Elphi Rangers.
- Food – at each meeting we share pizza snacks. Food is a motivator for youth and is also meaningful in many cultures as a means of coming together.
Scott Bruce is a Counsellor at Elphinstone Secondary. He is curious whether the Rangers would be a group that Rotary would consider sponsoring...