Many of us at Anchorage East Rotary have had the pleasure of meeting Hashmat Sarweri our friend who is a recent refugee from Afghanistan. He has attended Zoom club meetings and was at the Mobile Food Pantry last Saturday. Several of us have been working to help him and his wife Morsal and their two-year-old daughter Hania adjust to life in Anchorage.
Surprisingly the federal resettlement program which is being administered locally by Catholic Social Services only provides three months of cash benefits. March is their last month of support.
We have identified seven areas where Hashmat could use help. Please reply to David Hoffman if you can help in an area of need. 
Fulltime employment: Hashmat has a job at Fire Island Bakery from noon to 5:00 five days pr week.  He is seeking a fulltime computer technology job. He has a B.S. degree in Information Technology from an Afghan University. He worked for an American contractor in Afghanistan doing IT support.
Transportation: Hashmat relies on the bus system for transportation and needs more options, i.e., rides, a used car, etc.
Social opportunities: Hashmat speaks excellent English but Morsal does not yet. She is studying English on-line.
IT Consulting business: Hashmat has a business license and has begun doing hardware and software troubleshooting. I have hired him and he has done an excellent job for me. His rate is $40 per hour.
Benefits assistance: Advocate for Hashmat and his family with Catholic Social Services and identify any potential additional services for which the family may qualify.
Spiritual assistance: Provide transportation for Friday prayer service.