Posted by Katie Johnson

We're almost at the two-month mark with our awesome 2017/2018 inbound student Yuga.  Don't let his quiet demeanor fool you; he's ready to rock and roll on adventures.  Every year I hear club members complain in April, "I tried to get ahold of the student, but they were too busy." Here's the hint:  Yuga is making friends right now and you can be one of them.  His schedule is wide open!  He plays soccer Monday and Wednesday, but otherwise give him a call or text and take him on your favorite adventure.

One of Yuga's goals is to improve his English.  You can help him out by simply inviting him over for dinner.  In that vein, he likes language games. His wish list is below, but if you have something you love, don't hesitate to give him a call.  Interactions with Rotarians will help him gain confidence in his English and will keep homesickness away.  Thank you for your support of youth exchange.  Call Yuga at 907-205-8181!