You don't want to miss this one -- and members of the public are welcome.

Christopher spent almost 16 years in prison, falsely accused and convicted of capital murder at the age of 27, leaving his two sons, Christopher (6 years old) and Dameon (5 years old) to be raised without their father. He was finally released from prison, and exonerated, in 2009, which was the first non-DNA exoneration case in the United States. - See more here.
The story of exonerations -- especially in Dallas County, Texas -- is a compelling one. When a wrongfully convicted person is exonerated there is then a determination of actual innocence as opposed to simply "not guilty."  "Not guilty" just means the State did not prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.  Being exonerated, and found to be actually innocent, is a tremendous outcome. Exonerations began in earnest utilizing DNA and there have been many persons freed via that technology. Chris' story is special in that his was a non-DNA exoneration.
I have personally heard talks by other exonorees and their message is awesome. You will be amazed at the matter-of-fact attitude, with little apparent bitterness, displayed. Chris and others have gone on to work on other cases similar to their own.