Harbor Light News Letter 2017-07-26
1.  Call to order
2.  Thought & Pledge / Puran Stevens
3.  Four Way Test – in all the things you think, say or do:
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
4.  Special thanks to:
Set up – Club/Gil Gilbert
Treasurer, John Bowman(Chris Simcox sat in)
Attendance, Chris Simcox
Greeter, John Wertymer
Thought & Pledge, Puran Stevens
Duty Roster for August 9, 2017
Attendance:  Beth DeWall
Greeter:  Herb McDowell
Thought & Pledge:  Jackie McGuire
Shenanigans:  John Kessler

 Thank you Sue Watson and Greg Michel
5.  The schedule for the next couple of weeks
July 29 – Miller Park outing Pearce, Bowman and Greenberger, Hufnagel and Fisher
August 1 Tuesday – Ravinia will be August social event- who is going?  Meet near the ice cream stand? George Pearce contacts: and my cell is 847-308-5968   Look for a rotary balloon‼
August 2 – Deepa Willingham at R.I.
Chicago Red Star soccer (womens pro soccer)game on Sept 3 at 5:00 pm in Bridgeview at Toyota park  Tickets are $25 and benefit Guatemala Xray project   Who wants to go?
6.  Guests:   Kudos to Jim Waite for bringing 6 guests! to our last meeting
7.  Birthdays
Mike Donnelly  July 25
8.  President’s moment  What is rotary? Global alliance of community networkers doing good.   Lets focus on membership and guests.  Kudos to Jim Waite- 6 guests last week‼
9.  Announcements
Update from Refugee One Chris Cole/ Ellen Falkof
Dues are due
Board meeting update  Jim Waite has agreed to work on membership committee with Jackie Boland They are meeting in early August- email Jim or Jackie if you want to join them?
Spring fundraiser idea needs discussion with members
Update from Maureen Barry regarding foundation match program to become a Paul Harris
           Ben Ivory’s son was married last week 
           Sue Watson did the sail to Mackinac and did not get seasick(though many others did)
10.  Speaker(s)
Housing Our Own, recipient of a $10,000 community grant from our club- spoke on the program and the benefits it provides to needy citizens of Wilmette
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 am.
Next Week- No Meeting- Ravinia on August 1   Next regular meeting August 9