Last Week's Meeting
Mike and Mary McLaughlin, founders of not-for-profit Trees That Feed Foundation provided an inspirational presentation of their organization. The foundation plants fruit trees to feed people, create jobs, and benefit the environment. In its effort to combat food insecurity and protect the environment with sustainable agroforestry, the foundation has blossomed in 12 years from a small-scale distributor of seedlings to a provider of nearly 200,000 breadfruit, mango, avocados, and other fruit-bearing trees for orchards, small farms, backyard plots, and urban gardens in 18 countries, including Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Kenya, and Pakistan. Our club was one of Mary's first presentations and earliest contributors. Thanks to Susan Fisher for sponsoring the talk,
This Week's Social Meeting
Join us at 4:30 pm on Wednesday at the Village Hall for an informal outdoor socially distanced get-together. Bring a chair, your drink of choice, and a Luminaire (solar light - if you have one).  
Other News:
  • Our Fall/Winter Fundraiser is officially launched with wines, food items, and raffle prizes finalized.  An easy online purchase is available on our website.  Thank you Brent Hendricks for the work developing the very easy-to-use electronic order form.  More information was sent by Jim Waite
  • Big thank you to Frank Hussey and all the volunteers who worked October 23, 24 and 25th and those who contributed for World End Polio Day. Early numbers were close to $2,000.
  • Susan Fisher and George Pearce hosted our first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion meeting October 29th. A follow-up meeting is scheduled for November 12th at 5:00 pm.