Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club 7/9/2015

Thought and Pledge:  Bob Meeder quoted Ben Franklin
Greeter:  Joyce Knauf
Attendance:  Ray Lechner
Treasurer: Chris Simcox
New president Carol thanked all who helped with the 25th Anniversary Party and Transition Dinner!
Design for Dignity:  Volunteers are requested to purchase items at Target and register online, so they can get a percentage of the proceeds.
First Wednesday of every month during Carol’s tenure, we will have an evening fellowship type meeting. Members are encouraged to invite guests and prospective Rotary members.  First evening meeting will be Wednesday, August 5th: Ravinia CSO concert outing.  Lawn tickets will be $10.
Club dues are due for the 1st half of FY 2015-2016.  Chris will send out reminders.
New District Governor invites all Rotarians to attend the White Sox game on August 4th.  If you can’t attend, consider buying a ticket to donate to a veteran.
Susan Fisher is the new Program Chair.  We are looking for speakers for the year.
The Club will have no booth at Wilmette Days this year.
Joanne Aggens is currently in hospice at Midwest Palliative. Well wishes and visits are welcome.  Sue Watson will deliver a plant to Joanne and is collecting money.
Pam Kerr said, Ted Welch, is a member of the Vienna, Virginia Rotary.  They sponsor a whole fund raiser called, Viva Vienna, and make $250,000.
Gil and Wynne Gilbert welcome grandson, Jack Authur Wyndham Woddy, 6lbs., 8ozs.  Born on 7/7 in England.
Maureen Chip just got back from camping in Yellowstone with her kids.
Carols Well’s daughter, Anna Callaghan, just got a job with the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta!
Carolina, Club exchange student from Chile, spoke about her experiences here, with April Eschelman (host family) and her daughter.