Amen Clinic Method
Aug 12, 2020
Dr. Shane Creado
Amen Clinic Method

Dr. Shane Creado is a board-certified psychiatrist and sleep medicine physician. He completed his psychiatric residency and sleep medicine fellowship at the University of Wisconsin. He is also a sports psychiatrist, and is on the Board of Directors of the International Society for Sports Psychiatry. Additionally, he has clinical experience with the veterans population, college mental health, exercise prescription and mental health, co-morbid psychiatric and sleep problems, CBT-Insomnia, alcohol recovery groups, MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), administrative psychiatry, health care policy, cultural psychiatry, couples therapy, and regressive hypnosis. He uses the skills he acquired in these disciplines to holistically apply evidence-based medicine in the service of his patients.

Topic: Memory Recovery….The Amen Clinics Method represents a true paradigm shift in optimizing and healing the brain. We believe it is critical to look at your brain within the context of your life. Our method integrates the important aspects of your life including:

  • Looking at specific biological, psychological, social, and spiritual influences
  • Neuropsychological testing
  • Brain SPECT imaging at rest and during concentration
  • Lab tests (when necessary)

The Amen Clinics Method gives our physicians a deep understanding to target treatment specifically tailored to your brain and situation.