See You Tuesday, Invite a future Rotarian...


Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
Our Social Gathering will be at Northbrook Grill - at Sunset Foods in Northbrook. The cafe is a favorite place and has had a recent facelift!
Thanks to the experienced Deli Manager Patti and of course with the input of our beloved Ron Bernardi you will find:
       Mini Smash Burgers
       Chicken Caesar Pinza    -    Four Cheese Pinza
       Black Bean Smash Burgers    -   Bowl with Teriyaki Tofu
       Wild Rice with Cranberries
       Sweet Potato Fries - Stealth Potato French Frits - with a selection of 6 dips
We'll have for desert assorted Bar Brownies, a Tea Cookie Tray and from Sunset's "Berry Good Bar" a 4 ounce container with ACAI & toppings of choice.
Come check it out and enjoy a social night with fellow Rotarians!
Rsvp to Elke Sunday 
Women of Action....

Excerpt from Glenn Garlick's email...

Dear Rotarians,
               On Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 our rotary District 6440 lost a great Rotarian and friend, PDG Gibson passed away after losing her battle with cancer.  A warm, caring and dedicated person who left her mark on everyone she met.
               I met PDG Suzanne Gibson in August of 2016 when she asked for Rotarians to work on her Community Service committee.  This started an eight-year journey with Suzanne that I will cherish for the rest of my years.  In 2021-2022 as the D6440 District Rotary Foundation Chair, PDG Suzanne Gibson asked me what I thought of starting a Polio Plus Society (PPS) within our district.  I asked her if there was paperwork involved and she assured me that I just had to promote the PPS, so that adventure began.  Under PDG Suzanne Gibson’s leadership we were able to sign up two hundred and twenty-nine Charter Members of the PPS.  The PPS has now grown to almost three hundred members within D6440.  During all of my conversations with PDG Suzanne Gibson the subject of getting more people in the PPS or getting more Rotary clubs to use RILEE always popped up.  We did not always agree on the methods I took, but we always agreed on the mission.  PDG Suzanne Gibson was always looking to help others or make life easier for someone else.
               I can hear Suzanne asking me where the “ask” is in my email, so I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you what I believe our obligation is as Rotarians.  I believe we Rotarians should all donate $100.00 per year as a minimum to The Annual Fund and Polio Plus.  These two funds are the driving force to keeping Rotary in action all over the world. If you are unable to make a financial contribution then by all means wear your Rotary pin at all times.
               My last conversation with Suzanne was during the Thanksgiving holiday season when she was in Florida with her family.  Even in that conversation, Suzanne asked me if I had come up with any more ways to utilize RILEE.  On Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 I lost a friend and someone I will never forget.
Glenn T. Garlick
District 6440 EPNC
Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club
End Polio: Documentary



This is a great way to honor the late Suzanne Gibson February 5th...
Suzanne Gibson was the force behind starting a Polio Plus Society (PPS) within our 6440 district. 
Under PDG Suzanne Gibson’s leadership, two hundred and twenty-nine Rotarians were Charter Members of the PPS.
Let’s celebrate her here as we learn about polio and its eradication that so inspired her.
The Shot Felt ‘Round the World Documentary Film screening is in partnership with Rotary Club of Northbrook.  Polio, a virus that affected mainly children during the summer months, gripped the nation with fear and left many in a dreaded “iron lung.”  By examining how the nation pulled together to overcome polio, this documentary is a powerful reminder of what we can achieve when we work together.   
This 2010 documentary, directed by Tjardus Greidanus and produced by Steeltown Entertainment Project, chronicles the development of the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.
Producer's description: The images and memories are still familiar to those of a certain age - children in braces or iron lungs; the terrifying fear that washed over America each summer - a fear that out of nowhere a seemingly healthy child would catch polio and be crippled or killed. A fear so great that children were forbidden to play at pools, playgrounds and movie theaters. And, then, a medical miracle occurred, and with it, a medical superstar was made, Dr. Jonas Salk, whose name became synonymous with a vaccine that he initially requested not be named after him. Less widely known are the events that took place from 1949-1955, a six-year period that changed the medical community and the country forever; how a beloved, polio-afflicted President inspired a nation to send their dimes to the unlikely place of the University of Pittsburgh, and how there, an entire community pulled together to conquer the most feared disease of the 20th century.
This film will be shown at the Northbrook Public Library auditorium
Wednesday - February 5, 2025
7:00 PM
(The doors open at 6:30 PM)
Sign up to reserve a seat for this showing at the Northbrook Public Library's 225 seat auditorium by going to the Northbrook Public Library Website and hitting the events tab. 
# # # 
Polio Update From Remmington & Scout...

Only three new Wild Polio paralysis cases reported this week.

We are now 3 weeks since the most recent report of a child being paralyzed by the Wild Polio Virus in Pakistan.
Bill Gates recently discussed efforts to combat polio around the world (along with other global health issues) with then President Elect Trump.  “I felt like he was energized and looking forward to helping to drive innovation,” Gates said. “I was frankly impressed with how well he showed a lot of interest in the issues I brought up.”
Total Wild Polio cases
Year-to-date 2024
- in endemic countries:
2024 Total Polio Cases (Wild + Variant) 362 Year to date
2023 Total Polio Cases  (Wild + Variant) 536 (1/1/23-12/31/23)
2022 Total Polio Cases (Wild + Variant) 944 (1/1/22 - 12/31/22)
2024 Circulating Variant Polio Case Total - 266  Angola - 7, Benin - 1, Cameroon - 2, Chad - 29, DR Congo - 26, Ethiopia - 27, Guinea - 5, Indonesia - 8, Liberia - 1,Mali - 1, Mozambique - 1, Niger - 14, Nigeria - 94, Occupied Palestinian Territory - 1, Senegal - 1, Somalia - 3, South Sudan - 10, Yemen - 35
2024 Wild Polio Case Total 96 - Afghanistan 25 - Pakistan 71
2023 Wild Polio Case Total 12 - Afghanistan 6, Pakistan 6
 2022 Wild Polio Cases - Pakistan 20, Afghanistan 2, Mozambique 8
2022 Circulating Variant Polio Cases – 914 in 26 Countries
2023 Circulating Variant Polio Case Total - 524    Benin - 3, Burkina Faso - 3, Burundi - 1, Central African Republic - 14, Chad - 55, Cote d' Ivoire - 6, DR Congo - 223, Guinea - 47, Indonesia - 6, Israel - 1, Kenya - 8, Madagascar - 24, Mali - 15, Mauritania - 1, Mozambique - 5,Niger - 2, Nigeria - 87, Somalia - 8, South Sudan - 3, Tanzania - 3, Yemen - 8, Zambia - 1, Zimbabwe - 1.
New Polio Cases & Samples reported this week -
·     Afghanistan:  13 WPV1-positive environmental samples
·     Pakistan:  three WPV1 cases and four WPV1-positive environmental samples
·     Algeria:  one cVDPV2-positive environmental sample
·     DR Congo:  one cVDPV1 case
·     Occupied Palestinian territory:  three cVDPV2-positive environmental samples
·     South Sudan:  one cVDPV2-positive environmental sample
The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:
Pakistan Three new Wild Polio cases reported this weekSeventy-one Wild Polio cases reported in 2024.  Six Wild Polio Cases reported in 2023.  The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 12/31/24.  Four WPV1 Environmental Samples and no cVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan. 
Afghanistan No new Wild Polio cases reported this week.  Twenty-five Wild Polio cases reported in 2024.  Six Wild Polio Cases reported in 2023.  The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 11/05/24.  Thirteen WPV1 Environmental Samples and no cVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan. 
Advocate, Donate & Educate to END POLIO NOW & FOREVER!
         Over 3 billion Children Immunized
                                       21,000,000 Children Saved from the Paralysis of Polio                                                                
   Together, We End Polio!
Glenn T. Garlick
District 6440 EPNC
Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club
Join a fun cause

Special Gifts Theatre needs Volunteers

If you are interested in ushering, selling concessions, lending a helping hand at a Special Gifts Theatre performance, please let me know!

Jodi will send you a sign up link. For more details:

This season’s shows - volunteer opportunities - are as follows:

Frozen Jr, Chicago, 2/1/25 and 2/2/25

Aladdin Jr, Libertyville, 2/8/25 and 2/9/25

Alice in Wonderland Jr, Wilmette, 3/1/25 and 3/2/25

Alice in Wonderland Jr, Winnetka, 3/8/25 and 3/9/25

Seussical Jr., Rolling Meadows, 4/12/25 and 4/13/25

Willy Wonka Jr, Palatine, 4/27/25

Madagascar Jr, Winnetka, 5/18/25

Questions? reach out to Jodi Joffe

Up & Coming...


  • 28th     Dinner Meeting -Northbrook Grill at Sunset Food
  • 3rd Member Survey
  • 5th Movie & Talk: The Shot Felt "Round the World, Library 7 PM
  • 8th District Visioning
  • 28-March1 -The Midwest PETS  
  • 1st -Last day of The Midwest PETS  
  • 5th - District Spring Training
JUNE 2025
  • 21-25 CALGARY - Save-the-Dates
Quote of the Week

Jan 28, 2025 5:30 PM
Meet at the Sunset Grill - Sunset Foods
Feb 04, 2025 12:15 PM
Annual State of the Village
Feb 11, 2025 12:15 PM
Club Board Meeting
Feb 18, 2025 12:15 PM
Senior Finances
Feb 25, 2025 5:30 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Rotary Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
John Chambers
January 10
Brian Rieger
January 13
Carlos Früm
January 27
Ed Nadler
February 3
David Masters
February 6
Kyint Chwa
Laura Chwa
February 16
Sandra Whitmore
Daniel FitzSimmons
February 18
Join Date
Ed Nadler
January 1, 1979
46 years
Ronald Bernardi
January 1, 1967
58 years
Jim Kucienski
January 20, 1993
32 years
Steve Brownstone
January 24, 2017
8 years
Kathi Quinn
January 31, 2017
8 years
John Howard
February 8, 2011
14 years
Steven Greene
February 15, 2010
15 years
Mitch Portugal
February 27, 2018
7 years
In-Person Meetings 
Making a Difference in our Community
Tuesdays at 12:15 PM
Northbrook Hilton
2855 Milwaukee Ave
Northbrook, IL 60062
United States of America
Regular Satellite Club Meetings are at Heritage Oaks, if not otherwise stated.
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