Coming up - Play it Forward!!


It's not's what fundraising FUNDS!

Play It Forward Raffle & Bingo Night! $1,500 Raffle
It’s not JUST a fundraising effort. Then what is it?
Here is what it is NOT….It’s not a money grab. It’s not a challenge to see who has more money or can collect more. It’s not who is selling the most tickets. If not these than what????
What it IS -is our WHY!
Why do we fundraise? It’s not the dollar amount (though we need a lot). It’s what the FUNDS we raise DO!!
It’s what the funds do that is important. We have charitable organizations that count on us for so many things. Sure they can get grants. But OUR Rotary donations have a real and necessary impact.
A $1000 or $2500 grant makes a huge difference in what our surrounding non-profits can provide to the people they serve. This is what Rotary is about. This is the WHY of Rotarians.
Why do we need to raise more? Why are we asking friends, family and others to chip in, come out and socialize with us? So our WHY is funded!!
Let’s start with the North Suburban Y whose Café VOCA received club funds. The café helps to train and employ people with different abilities THAT’S WHY!!!
Youth Services that helps teens navigate the world we live in. THAT’S WHY!!!
Bernie’s Books – an organization that distributes reading materials to thousands of children. THAT’S WHY!!!
The Northfield Food Pantry, CATCH, The Center for Enriched Living, TotalLink2, ShelterBox, End Polio Now, and so many others.
Our WHY needs a boost. We are only at 38% of a $25,000 goal. Call your friends, post the QR code, share the link -but more importantly share the WHY!!
Our Event - Join Us
Friday, April 12, 2024 
at the North Suburban YMCA from
7 to 9 PM
Includes one Raffle ticket, one Bingo card, refreshments.
Extra Bingo cards are available for $15.
Click the link below to purchase tickets. Share this link [or QR code] with prospective guests.
Are you giving out your tickets to supporters?  NOTE: Filled out ticket stubs and money received for ticket sales should be delivered to Debbie Madeley or Denis Polina. 
$9,630 RAISED 
We are 38% of our goal of $25,000!!
<photos are from various charitable events and orgs we fund.
Club & District Events 

Save The Dates 

  • 26th  - No lunch meeting, Dinner social 
  • 6th "Springboard to Success" Rotary 6440 at Harper College
  • 12th PAY IT FORWARD! FUNdraiser
  • 20th 6440/6450 District Conference 
NOTICE of 4th Tuesday Meetings
On the 4th Tuesday of each month, the Lunch Club will hold an evening meeting INSTEAD of a lunch meeting.  Check your email, the website, or Bulletin for upcoming evening meeting times and locations.
Quote of the Week


Apr 02, 2024
Rock Music and Social Awareness: an author's perspective
View entire list
Birthdays & Rotary Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
John Howard
March 7
Jay Glaubinger
March 8
Steven Greene
March 15
Court Williams
March 16
Jim Kucienski
March 18
Mitch Portugal
March 19
Ken Kurtz
March 25
Denis Pollina
April 2
Elke Friedman
April 3
Judy Warchol
April 20
Kathi Quinn
April 28
Ken Kurtz
March 27
Gary Moriello
Beverly Hides-Moriello
March 29
Jim Kucienski
Nancy Kucienski
April 4
Ronald Bernardi
April 9
Join Date
Gary Moriello
March 5, 2013
11 years
Madeline Farrell
March 10, 2021
3 years
Ordel Brown
March 15, 2022
2 years
Blake Ekenberg
March 25, 2023
1 year
David Schwalb
April 4, 2017
7 years
Donna Gulley
April 13, 2004
20 years
Jay Glaubinger
April 20, 2010
14 years
In-Person Meetings 
Making a Difference in our Community
Tuesdays at 12:15 PM
Northbrook Hilton
2855 Milwaukee Ave
Northbrook, IL 60062
United States of America
Regular Satellite Club Meetings are at Heritage Oaks, if not otherwise stated.
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