Home Page Stories
This morning's "Early Rising" Seniors from Stevenson High School delighted our club members and guests with their holiday caroling.  The student choir cheered everyone around with the positive impact that only music and songs can create, by fostering a sense of community, boosting mood and happiness, triggering positive memories, and promoting social connection.  Thank you Stevenson High School Vocal Music Director Roland Hatcher for coordinating this performance.  The club was also honored and pleased to welcome guests Kayla Becker, VAPL Jennifer Ernsteen, Dale Horowitz, John Tolbert and Joe Nordstrom.
Happy Holidays to All!
Best Wishes for a Healthy and Blessed New Year!
Lincolnshire Police Chief Joseph Leonas presented on the village's partnership with the Lake County Sheriff's Department and the success of the multiagency Crisis Outreach and Support Team collaborative initiative in responding to mental health-related calls.
The team became operational in January 2022 and consists of members from the Gurnee Police Department, Lake Forest Police Department, Libertyville Police Department, Lincolnshire Police Department, Mundelein Police Department, Vernon Hills Police Department and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. A police officer from one of these local agencies and a sheriff’s deputy from the sheriff’s office partner with a social worker, clinician or peer specialist to respond to mental health-related calls.
Since the inception of the multiagency team, COaST has responded to dozens of mental health calls. This has allowed trained professionals to spend as much time as necessary with the person in crisis and allowed the responding deputies or police officers to return to emergency calls for service.  COaST is supported in part by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
Josselyn is a certified Community Mental Health Center which, for more than 70 years, has provided quality, accessible mental health services, including therapy, psychiatry and other specialized services. Through our clinics in Grayslake, Highland Park, Highwood, Northbrook, Northfield, and Waukegan, they have served more than 7,800 clients from 300 communities. Josselyn's mission is to improve lives by providing quality mental health care for communities.  Josselyn's Community Outreach Coordinator Rachel Alfonso and Donor Relations Manager Gaby Valverde Strobehn updated the club on their growing demand and the upcoming plans for their new location in Waukegan.  On average, they receive 1000 daily inquiries from potential patients requesting assistance.  The organization is preparing itself to be able to serve 10,000 clients by 2026.
This year, a record-breaking 40 interns from 24 universities and schools across the country joined Josselyn, setting a new benchmark for the internship program’s growth. This significant increase reflects Josselyn’s expanding footprint and its status as a top-tier training site in the mental health field.
District 6440 Governor Thor Davidson installs new member Robin Becker after his engaging presentation on the experiences that prompt members to become Rotarians.  Every single individual has a skill and a unique way to be of service.  In order to feel engaged in Rotary, the member should share a common interest with the community and the group while fulfilling the personal mission or advocacy.  Governor Thor also shared on the availability of Public Image Media tools developed by our Rotary Zone that are free to use to help spread the Rotary word and mission; these can be customized and tailored to the specific message of the Rotary club.  Governor Thor awarded our club with the Every Rotarian Every Year Recognition and Banner for the club's contributions to the Rotary Foundation.
Stevenson High School graduate Shidong Yan received the 2024 Lincolnshire Morning Star Rotary Club scholarship made possible by the Daniel & Nancy Bruzzini Scholarship Fund.  At this morning's club meeting, Jill Bruzzini presented the scholarship on behalf of her beloved late parents with a heartfelt speech that highlighted the criteria that made Shidong win this award.  Obviously, academic achievement and hard work are recognized by most student advocates.  Shidong's attitude of placing Service Above Self and his willingness to give forward, earned  Rotary's attention.  Moreover, Shidong's work on the disparity of mental health services received by students in different school districts was very impactful as well.  Former club member Nancy Bruzzini, who passed suddenly last April 17th, would have been 80 years old tomorrow.  Presenting the scholarship about her birthday brought an additional meaning to the occasion.
Through a generous grant from the Osaic Foundation, the club was able to work with Rich Lalley and Operation Warm to purchase 144 brand new pairs of youth sneakers.  Local nonprofits, Sue's Pantry of Vernon Hills and Grandparent and Kins Raising Children were the recipients of these shoes.
 THe Club
The Stevenson High School Choir entertained the club bringing  holiday cheer at our annual holiday breakfast.
Pictured: Members of the Stevenson High School Choir and Choir Director Roland Hatcher
Guests: John Alan Boryk, Glenn Meier, Hetal Wallace and Jen Ernsteen
Curts' Cafe provides an opportunity to at-risk or formerly incarcerated young adults. With few resources available to these young adults, this program provides them teaching marketable skills and then assists them with job placement and transition into full-time employment.
Vernon Area Library Volunteer Fair - 2023
The Lincolnshire Rotary Club participated in a Volunteer Fair hosted by the library in mid-March.  More than two dozen volunteer organizations from the area were represented at the fair. We had the opportunity to meet with potential new club members, as well as made connections with members of other organizations whom we have invited to future club breakfast meetings.
Pictured:  Rotarians Bill Urbon, Stan Roelker (not pictured: Alan Nerad).


Thursday, January 12, 2022 Lincolnshire Morningstar Rotary Club members toured the Deerfield Free Store, a community based refugee assistance initiative. With the support of many community members, faith members and local businesses, last year alone they helped 241 households that have been relocated to the Chicagoland area.

Pictured: Bill Urbon, Dale McClain, Mark Ingram and Stan Roelker

Friday, November 4, 2022 Lincolnshire Morningstar
Rotary Club members dropped off donations received
at 2022 Boo Bash. Thank you to the Lincolnshire community
for their generous support of the Vernon Township Food
Pantry and the Lincolnshire Morningstar Rotary Club.
Members pictured include Dale McClain, Brad Burke, and
Alan Nerad with Vernon Township Food Pantry staff member
Nancy Urice.
Thursday evening, November 8, 2022 Lincolnshire Morningstar Rotary Club members volunteered at Feed My Starving Children. They hand packed meals of rice, soy, dried vegetables and a nutritionally complete blend of vitamins and minerals into bags which are then sealed, boxed, and shipped around the world to improve the lives of malnourished children.
Pictured: Bill Urbon, Guest Bob Weldon, Alan Nerad, Janice Kellman and Stan Roelker
Friday, October 28, 2022 Lincolnshire Morningstar Rotary Club member volunteered at Village of Lincolnshire's annual Boo Bash. Members received donations for the Vernon Township Food Pantry. Pictured above include club members Dale McClain, Stan Roelker, and Bill Urbon. Thank you to the Lincolnshire community for their generous support of the Vernon Township Food Pantry and the Lincolnshire Morningstar Rotary Club.
January 30, 2025 Meeting Notes
Walker Brothers, 200 Marriott Drive, Lincolnshire

Attendance: Janice Kellman - President; Brad Burke - Secretary; Barb Tolbert; Mark Ingrum, Dale McClaine; Dessie Panomitros
Guests: None
Pledge:  Barb Tolbert
Four-Way Test: Mark Ingrum
Thought-for-the-Day: Janice Kellman
Fun & Frolic: Joanne Kopper
Happy Bucks/Sad Bucks: Dale McClaine
Call to Order: President Kellman called the meeting to order. Members discussed various initiatives regarding communication including social media and website updates.
Corn Roaster Update - Brad Burke noted he would ask Fleet Servicer for recommendations on possible firms to perform an assessment and complete repairs to the roaster. Dale McClaine noted he would also search for a potential vendor. Dessie Panomitros mentioned her son could possibly assist with an assessment of the roaster's condition. Dale noted he thinks it is something simple with the igniter/sensor for the sensor. Club members set a  goal to address roaster issues by end of February.
5K Race - A discussion regarding race planning and the race committee followed. Dale McClaine suggested the club could benefit by trying to host teams rather than just individual sign ups. A discussion of corporate teams to encourage participation followed. Janice noted it would be important to update sponsorship flyers to encourage participation. Brad Burke noted the race route can be the same as always for 2025. 

A discussion of potential corporate business partners to visit followed. Brad Burke suggested the following businesses for possible solicitation:

Zebra Technologies
Carlson Labs
Setna iO
Interior Investments
Camping World
Klein Tools
Janice inquired about discussion regarding Bruzzini Scholarship. A discussion of the deadline and award/recognition date followed. President Kellman noted the club needs to firm the timeline and deadlines to be able to award the scholarship. A discussion of Rotary possibly hosting scholarship in the future followed. Brad provided a history of the Rotary Scholarship and a discussion of whether the club would sponsor its own scholarship followed as a way to get the club's name out in the community.

Dale McClaine noted this topic could be discussed by the Charitable Committee to consider the creation of a scholarship.

A discussion of possible pickleball event followed.

A discussion of vocational / technical scholarships and potential partnership with College of Lake County for the club students in the area followed. Brad Burke shared that Visit Lake County recently created a vocational scholarship for the culinary arts program. A discussion of a possible needs based scholarship versus service based followed.

A discussion of marketing/communication efforts by the club followed. Members noted the Rotary Youth Club, RYLA scholarship through Stevenson High School, and the Lincolnshire Rotary Club's commitment to developing the next generation of  leaders would be a great way to marketing the club.

Rotary Youth Club: No report.

Speaker: No speaker.
Raffle Drawn:  No winners
Home Page News
February 6, 2025

No Speaker / Club Business Meeting
Weekly Meetings - Thursdays
7:30 a.m. Fellowship
7:45 a.m. Meeting Start Time
Lincolnshire Morningstar Weekly Meeting - Thursdays
Walker Brothers Original Pancake House
200 Marriott Drive, Lincolnshire

If you would like to attend remotely, please contact Club President Janice Kellman at jkellman@vapld.info.

Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
Bulletin Editor
Program Chair
Fundraising Chair
Youth/Interact Liaison
Foundation Treasurer
Grants Chair
July4K Run Chair
Virtual Meeting Coordinator

Bulletin Subscribe

Subscribe to our eBulletin and stay up to date on the latest news and events.

Meeting Responsibilities
February 6, 2025
Pledge of Allegiance
Burke, Brad
Four-Way Test
Dahm, Joe
Thought for the Day
Ingrum, Mark
Fun & Frolic
Kellman, Janice
Happy / Sad / Announcement Bucks
Kopper, Joanne
Upcoming Speakers
Upcoming Speakers
Michael Odongo
Feb 13, 2025
Michael will speak about the Angaza Literacy center in Kenya.
Robin Becker
Feb 27, 2025
Robin Becker will speak about family law and her firm that specializies in family law.
Robbie Boudreau Executive Director Faith in Action
Mar 13, 2025
Robbie will speak about resources to help seniors in Lake County
Joseph Friedman founder PDI medical
Mar 27, 2025
Joe will speak about the potential benefits and risks associated with use of marijuana.
Lori Dillom executive Director Right To Be Free
Apr 10, 2025
Lori will speak about the work Right To Be Free does to stop human trafficking.
Joanne Dahm, chair of Thresholds.
Apr 24, 2025
Joanne will speak about Thresholds which provides assistance with mental health issues in Illinois.
Nicki Sutherland executive director Gratitude Gene
May 08, 2025
Nicki will speak about Gratitude Generation and how they help young people become service minded.
Past Speakers
Rabbi Rob Jury
Jan 23, 2025
Rabbi Jury will speak about promoting peace, and fighting disease through addiction treatment.
Aiyana Emsun Education and Outreach Coordinator
Jan 09, 2025
Ms Emsun will speak about Safe Place and how they help women dealing with domestic violence.
Jan 02, 2025
Social Meeting- Half Day Brewery @ 6pm
Dec 19, 2024
No Morning Meeting at Walker Brothers
Roland Hatcher Director of vocal music Stevenson
Dec 12, 2024
Choir concert Walker Brothers
Chief of police Joseph Leonas
Dec 05, 2024
Chief Leonas will talk about the joint Lake County Sheriff's partnership program COAST
Rachel Alfonso, LSW Josselyn
Nov 14, 2024
Ms Alfonson will speak about Josselyn, which has been providing mental health service since 1951.
Donna Gulley
Oct 31, 2024
Ms Gulley will speak about the shelter box program.
Oct 24, 2024
Social Half Day Brewing company 6 pm
Oct 17, 2024
no morning meeting at Walker Brothers
Welcome to the
Lincolnshire Morning Star Rotary Club!
Lincolnshire Morning Star

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 7:45 a.m.
Walker Brothers Pancake Restaurant
200 Marriott Dr. (West off Milwaukee Ave./Rt. 21)
Mail: P. O. Box 755
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
United States of America