Posted by Mary Beth Bretzlauf on Aug 29, 2018
Doubts ran through all our minds as the rumble of thunder and slashing rain descended upon us before dawn. We laid in our beds praying Mother Nature would soon show us  some mercy. After all, we'd never done this before and to call it off due to the weather would be a hard hit to our spirits.
The storm moved on  as I rose to make coffee. It was 4:45 a.m. - not my usual time to get up. Dressed in my Rotarian at Work t-shirt and jeans, my husband and I loaded the last of our items into the van and headed to Highland Park (a half hour drive). We arrived just in time to unload with the other early birds - nine more committed souls. The threat of rain didn't dampen our hopes for a good day to be out in the community.
Sure the trees dripped like it was still raining when a breeze picked up, but we mustered on and before you knew it, we were serving pancakes! People in the community came with their children, their parents, and friends. Interact students from  HPHS joined us to make it a truly special morning. The sun never ventured out, but we were dry. Before we knew it, the time had come to close up "shop". We met many wonderful people from our community - we just wish it could have gone on longer!