Rotopep Vol. 105 No. 9
Rotary Club of Evanston
September 5, 2024
Program: No Regular Lunch Meeting This Week
Meeting Location or Virtual Login details:
This will be the same meeting login for all club meetings every week including happy hour and fireside chat.
Weekly Rotary Club of Evanston Meeting
You can also join the meeting manually from your Zoom App or from, using the meeting number and password below.
Meeting ID: 896 382 967
Password: Rotary2372
Dial: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Enter Meeting ID: 896 382 967#
Participant Number: (no participant number, so just push the # key)
Enter Password: 941281#
One-tap for smart-phone users:
+13126266799,, 896382967#,,,,0#,,941281# (US Chicago)
Visitors: Find your local number:
The Northwestern Rotaract is seeking Rotarians to host local community dinners for Rotaract students. Here, you have the unique opportunity to be a trusted adult for Rotaract Students. Having a trusted adult is the single biggest protective factor for youth transitioning to college. In fact, college students with a trusted adult demonstrate higher levels of connectivity, engage in less risky behavior, and have increased levels of overall well-being. Students with a trusted adult are also less likely to drop out of college, misuse substances, and die by suicide. You can make this difference for students.
The Northwestern Rotaract Club is seeking Rotarians to host at-home dinners for 3-4 students at a time. At these dinners, you will make lasting connections with bright, engaged students. If you are interested, please email to schedule an evening. You can be reimbursed for hosting costs. Dinners will be offered from October - June.
Please check out our Signup Genius for available opportunities over the next few months, since we update this schedule routinely:
A reminder to make your sergeant-at-arms contributions to the Charitable Fund to help our club continue its good work in the community. Donate here:
The Rotary Foundation recently received its 15th consecutive four-star rating from Charity Navigator, placing it among the top 1% of charities in the US. Make an impact at home and around the world with a donation to The Rotary Foundation:
Note: Donations to The Rotary Foundation generate recognition points towards Paul Harris Fellow recognition