Rotary Club of Dundee Township teams up with Blue Start Recycling for electronic recycling pick-up program.
Rotary Club of Dundee Township is teaming up with Blue Start Recycling for electronic recycling pick-up program. Blue Star Recycling takes your old electronics, most for no charge, and recycles the parts either for implementation in new equipment or for scrap metal.  The neat part is that you do not need to lift those old electronics, put them in your car, and drive them somewhere to drop them off - we come to your home and pick them up for you!  But the really neat part is that by recycling your electronics, you are not only saving the environment, but also you are providing work for disabled adults who might not otherwise have a place to work and feel good about themselves as a productive member of society.  We will be announcing our pick up dates throughout the year, as we will be doing this quarterly!  So look out for our flyers, and check out our video below!