The Dundee Rotary Club has 2022 Scholarship Applications available.  Once again, the Dundee Township Rotary Club has received numerous donors to join the Rotary Club in granted numerous scholarships to qualifying students.
The Dundee Rotary Club has an Academic Application and a Vocational Application.  In addition, the Rotary District 6440 Vocational Scholarship Applications are also available.  Any student applying for vocational scholarships should apply for BOTH the Dundee Rotary Vocational Scholarship and the Rotary District 6440 Vocational Scholarships.  All scholarship applications are due by MARCH 1, 2022, and must be emailed to  No paper applications will be accepted, and the application with all attachments shall be submitted in ONE email.  The student is required to compile the transcript and recommendations with the application to submit in ONE email.