Maria Coons thanked Pat Boquist and Jennifer Lucas for initiating the 100X project that generated approximately $5K for the Club.  
Additionally, everyone that has purchased or arranged for the purchase of 50/50 raffle tickets was congratulated.  We are half way through the timeframe for ticket sales.  Members are reminded to sign up to attend area Rotary clubs to sell tickets.  Maria will send out the club visit sign up sheet in an Email, reminding people to always confirm the date, time, place of the respective club meetings.  Be sure to remind everyone there is a 1:400 chance of winning $20K if all the tickets are sold.  The winner will be drawn on June 22 at the Installation of new officers.
The winner of the interim $500, Joe Potts, was presented with his check
.  He is a Rotarian from Bloomingdale.