January, 2025-   It has become a tradition to start the our new year by looking back at what we did last year.  By all accounts, 2024 was a busy and productive year for us in many ways.  Here is a list of some of the ways that we invested our time, treasure and talent in support of our vision of Service Over Self- Locally and Internationally.  We:
  • Supplied the Wheeling Township Food Pantry with over 14,000 dozen eggs and 500 pounds of cheese throughout the year, shopping and making deliveries three times each month
  • Partnered with Jewel for a Share the Love Food Collection. (February)
  • Supplied the Wheeling Township and Faith Feeds Food Pantry with special “summer shopping” during the time when donations typically drop off.  (June)
  • Partnered with the Rolling Meadows Interact Club to pack Thanksgiving baskets and supported their cereal drive. (November)
  • Supported global awareness among youth by awarding grants to the Buffalo Grove HS Model UN Club, the Asian Student Association at Hersey HS, and the Latin American Student Organization at Hersey HS.
  • Supported youth leadership development by sponsoring 5 students to attend RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards)
  • Prepared and served dinner at the Guest House in the Chicago Medical District once a quarter.
  • Provided vision screening for low income students (February)
  • Partnered with other District 6440 clubs to pack comfort kits for human trafficking survivors (April)
  • Helped bring smiles to children’s faces when we donated Easter baskets to W.I.N.G.S and did holiday shopping for low income families.
  • Partnered with the Buffalo Grove Rotary Club at Mill Creek Park where we planted shrubs and seeds to help stem rainwater erosion, and on the dedication of the Buffalo Grove Arboretum where we donated two oak trees. (September and May)
  • Packed hygiene kits for local schools with Good Neighbors Network (August)
  • Inspected, sorted, and labeled books for Bernie’s Book Bank (May)
  • Raised awareness of the importance of polio eradication working with the Village on a Proclamation to acknowledge World Polio Day, and bringing RILEE (the Iron Lung) to this year’s Santa Run
  • Packed meals at Feed My Starving Children (April)
  • Furnished a home for newly arrived refugees
  • Supported local scouts with their Eagle projects
  • Supported the community and participated in community events:  The July 4th parade, the Stampede Run, National Night Out, Trunk or Treat,  the Farmers’ Market, and Harmony Fest
  • Awarded Community Grants totaling over $15,000 to the following organizations:
    • Connections to Care, District 214 Educational Foundation, Special Leisure Services Foundation, Gerry’s Café, Children’s Advocacy Center, Faith Feeds Food Pantry, Good Neighbors Network, Journeys|The Road Home, and the Kenneth Young Center.
  • Invested over $17,000 in international projects using a combination of club funds and District Designated Funds.  These projects included:
    • 2 water projects in Cambodia
    • 3 projects in Guatemala: a water project in western Guatemala, a new bathroom at the Indri school, and a new dining facility at Ak’Tenamit
    • Construction of the Nayakijumba Primary school in Kabale Uganda
    • A global grant in Namutumba Uganda focused on maternal and child health and community development
    • A global grant to purchase a mobile eye clinic in Indore India
    • An inbound global grant to improve maternal and child health in underserved areas on the south and west side of Chicago
  • Pledged $2000 to Rotary peacebuilding initiatives and polio eradication
  • Financially supported ShelterBox
  • Held a record breaking Santa Run which will provide the funds for us to continue find ways to do good in the world both here at home and abroad.