If you are interested in being on a Rotary Golf Team of 5 players for the CFEO Golf Tournament, to be held on Friday, April 17, 2015 at Purple Sage Golf Course, please let me know by clicking on: lzsummers@aol.com and telling me who you are and I will sign you up.  The form says that there are 2 carts per team, so I guess someone will need to "draw the short straw" and walk! The fee is $75 per player, and I can put that on your next Rotary invoice which will be sent out the first week of April. We will announce this during our lunch meetings and I will have the form with me to see if a team can be filled. 
     CFEO stands for Caldwell Foundation for Educational Opportunity.  This organization's mission is: to help Finance Enhanced Educational Opportunity for Caldwell School District students and teachers.  It is a very worthwhile organization that supports education.  You can help by having a great day playing golf with friends!