March is literacy month!

As you know every month Rotary has a focus and March is one that is near and dear to my heart and I know many others. March is literacy month and if everyone takes a moment to sit back and just imagine for a moment not being able to read and how it would effect you , you would quickly realize the importance of this intiative. We all use reading every day, whether its something as simple as the temperature outside, how much salt goes into that dish for supper, a moment of relaxtion curled up with a great book or achieving that newest dimploma, literacy is the key!

As stated in a Rotary newletter "

Literacy is the foundation for virtually all forms of education and a crucial component of effective social and economic participation, human development, and poverty reduction. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) nearly 800 million people over the age of 15 lack even basic reading and writing skills worldwide. In addition, there are roughly 137 million school age children who are illiterate around the world. Sadly, over 64% of all illiterate people in the world today are women.

The benefits of literacy to society are undisputed. The Education for All Global Monitoring Report published in 2006 by UNESCO argues that literate populations are less likely to experience civil strife and are more likely to develop economically. There is also a direct connection between literacy rates and community health. People who are literate are generally more aware of health concerns in their communities and are therefore better equipped to avoid illness .  "

I believe Frederick Douglass said it best with his famous quote:

" Once you learn to read, you will be forever free ."